

How’s your Monday going? Mine was splendid–we had a SNOW DAY in the DC area! I haven’t had a snow day since HS, I think. Even in Boston during undergrad, we neverrrrr had classes cancelled! So…..Wooohooo!

So what’s a girl to do on a non-work ‘work’ day??? Well for starters, I slept in til 11:15 of course. I woke up to a delish breakfast cookie:

I made a power smoothie, then later sipped on an always delish coffee + soy while watching a little boob tube and read a few science-y papers (to brush up organic chem, if you’re wondering). Anyone watch Jersey Shore? Those kids a redic. Do those people really exist?

Later in the day I ventured out (aka slipped n’ slid) my way to meet Ally for some cardio/weights at da gymmm. Here are some pics from my trek.

My soaking Uggs, poor freezing feet, and the nicely shoveled sidewalks in Georgetown.

You can see that some cars got out…..and others did not:

After the gym, I came home ravishing and made some garlic pepper talapia from Trader Joe’s. I swear that store can do no wrong.

(I added a little lemon juice + salt/pepper and grilled over medium heat)

After that I made acorn squash, again.

I am definitely in a squash rut lately. I just want it all the livelong day.

So, what’s in store for the rest of the night? Cleaning, packing for NH (!), cleaning, cleaning, reading about reactive amino acids, and cleaning. And some Monday night TV of course. Back to scienceland in the morning. Hopefully I arrive in one piece w/o falling on my bootie!

I leave you with a great video of my friend Jake and the manfriend’s cross-country trip from LA to Boston (the MF is moving to DC in February…..yeeeeeeeee!) I made a few cameos 😉

Have a great night!


PS….What are some creative stocking stuffers?? I need some ideas 🙂