>Thank goodness it’s [finally] friday

>TGIFFFFF is all I have to say 🙂 Tonight I’m working 3-11 then have Saturday and Sunday off – and I can’t tell you how excited I am. I genuinely love working at the hospital (transplant unit) but my poor feet are so tired and swollen.

I’ve also been consuming a little too much of this lately…

Coffee + steamed almond milk. Could be addicted to something worse I suppose, hah
To balance out the caffeination situation I’ve been drinking lots of water and these two guys:

Lemonade a la Lauren: Soda water, lemon juice, stevia

This morning I was able to sleep in a little late which allowed some time for a real breakfast 🙂

Raspberry-Vanilla-Almond protein smoothie. I feel bad blending at 5am and waking the neighbors above us so I save this treat for days off work when I work the evening shift.

Alright I’m off to the gym to power through a Spinning podcast, eat a quick lunch, then to work!

When you have a day off what do you enjoy doing, eating, etc??