>Letters to me: Dear Carly

>This morning I have a special letter for you as part of the Letters to Me Campaign.

Knowing what you know today, the places you’ve been, and what you’ve learned, if you had the ability to write a letter to yourself and send it back in time what would you say? How would you address/prevent future low self esteem, poor self acceptance, etc.?

* * *

The letter comes from the lovely Carly of Cooking with Carly:

Dear Carly (8th grade),

I am writing this to you from the future, as your 23-year-old self (yes, you will actually get that old). It is of the up most importance that you follow my instructions, because it will change your life and save you from a world of pain and regret.

Around Christmas this year, you will get that “feeling” that you think you like a certain boy in your grade. You’ve had this feeling a million times, pretty much about everyone in your grade, and it quickly passes. You’re only 14! When this moment happens, you need to let it pass. It will.

If you don’t follow this instruction, you will waste the next 5 years of your life. That boy is poison. He will become controlling. You will fight all the time. You will feel trapped in a dangerous relationship. However, if you listen to me and avoid him, you will be freed from guilt and regret.

When you get to college, you are going to start dating your husband. Remember that list of things you want in a husband that you wrote a few months ago? You always wonder if that person exists. He does. He is your dream man, and a few years later, he is going to propose to you! He will bring you more happiness than you can imagine. Just wait for him.

Now, let’s talk about the other issues you’re struggling with. I know that your self-esteem is bad right now, but I hate to tell you, if you stay with that boy, it’s only going to get worse. He will make you feel worthless. When you get to college, you need to stay away from fast food. You can still have fun without living an unhealthy lifestyle. Sleeping until 4PM, never exercising, and eating out for every meal is horrible, and if you don’t listen to me, you’re going to gain 20 pounds!

I have good news, though. You will learn how to cook and exercise, and by the time your 23rd birthday rolls around, you will be in the best shape of your life, and at a perfectly healthy weight. You may not be fully satisfied with your appearance, and maybe you never will be, but you will be a lot closer to that point. One day, you will understand that you are God’s perfect creation, you are unique, and you have someone who loves you just the way you are. You will realize how lucky you are.

Just follow my instructions, and you will avoid all the heartache. But, if you don’t listen, it’s OK. Growing up is about making mistakes. You will make plenty, but I promise, you will turn out just fine. Always tell your family how much you love them!


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Please help others in need by writing a letter to your former self and discover how powerful self reflection can be. I will post letters as I receive them.

Send letters to: Biochemista@gmail.com. Submissions can be anonymous (you can also quickly create an email account to completely hide your identity) and can be as short as a paragraph.

>Hello Fall, Goodbye running

>Hi everyone,

How have you been? Did you check out Stefanie’s letter for the Letters to Me campaign? It’s pretty amazing.

The last few days have been exhausting for me. I’ve worked 7am-7pm for the last 4 days. My legs and feet are sore. I swear I’d feel less tired if I ran 10 miles each day. Running around a hospital is hard stuff! But nonetheless, I am loving it. I am so glad I made the decision to follow my dream.


The upcoming seasons and holidays always remind me what I’m thankful for. Lately I’ve been thinking how amazing my sister is.

Kelsey (2 years), Me (4 years)

Besides being a gifted and beyond compassionate nurse, she is the best sister [and friend] I could ask for. She recently had a big job interview so I’m crossing my fingers for her! Kels, anyone would be lucky to have you work for them.

BFFs and roomies


OK, it’s confession time – long hours at work has forced me to put my marathon training on hold – well at least until I can catch up on some sleep. I can’t fathom running after a 12 hour shift on my feet. By Thursday, I plan to be back in action.

My meals have also changed a bit

I’ve had less glamorous breakfasts

Blueberry Protein Pancakes

And more…..

Instant oats + SunWarrior protein mixed in = Easy peasy breakfast on the run
More packed lunches…

Spiralized zucchini, tofu, veggies, peanuts, Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette

And snacks on the go..

How do you handle periods of work/school exhaustion?
Despite the work craziness, the weather has been pretty fantastic. I will admit I’ll be missing certain parts of summer like…
The Georgetown Waterfront

Eastern Market

Iced coffee

Reading on the lawn in front of beautiful Georgetown

And running by beautiful flower patches by the National Mall

I am however looking forward to…

Foliage back home to New Hampshire source

Warming up by the fireplace + a cup of tea + a good book
More cooking a la Manfriend. He cooks more in the winter/fall for some reason.

Buuuuut I’m not so sure I’m looking forward to this…

View from our apartment last winter (Washington, DC)
What are you looking forward to most this fall/winter?
How do you adjust to a hectic work/school schedule?