>All about…

>I have the best roommates in the world. I owe my sister (who is conveniently a nurse) and the Manfriend a lot. They took fantastic care of me – and cooked for me. Today, I’m feeling a lot more like ME ❤

I must say, I’ve relied more on whole foods, real vitamins, and proper hydration than over-the-counter medicine during this cold.

I’ve been all about…..

Green juice (cucumber, celery, kiwi, apple, garlic, parsley, ginger) + Kombucha!

Baked sweet potatoes!!! I can’t get enough of these!
 (Topped with a little peanut or almond butter. The salty/sweet combo is faaaaantastic.)
Organic oats for smoothie dough boy bowls and parfaits (I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of these)
Berry Bowls
(I usually don’t buy fresh berries, because I consume so many frozen ones in smoothies and other breakfasts but I’ve been all about these lately!) 
 And crackers for magic soup dippin’
What have you been ‘all about’ lately?

Are you a fresh or frozen fruit person?

Ever try green juice?