>Two loves

>Hi friends, I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! My “weekend” was Wednesday and Friday. Perks of working at hospital – you’ve gotta work weekends every now and then. I’m fine with it though, I actually enjoyed having my days off spaced out this week 🙂

On the workout front, I have been sticking to my goal of incorporating more lifting and yoga into my workout routine. If ya don’t believe me, look here 😉 And I’ve been really enjoying it!

On the food front, I also have two new loves. First, I came across a tofu tutorial and learned how to press it before grilling, baking, etc. I consider myself quite the tofu lover, I can’t believe I didn’t know to press it first!

Just slice (firm or extra firm) tofu thinly, and sandwich between paper towels (I need to purchase some ‘tofu’ towels to be more environment-friendly, as I see myself making this a lot).

Then place something heavy on top. Let sit for ~10 mins. Cut into cubes.

Spray a tin-foil covered baking sheet with cooking spray and season tofu with sea salt and pepper. Give em a spray with evoo for good luck.

Cook for ~10 mins at 425F then flip pieces. They become browned on the bottom when ready to flip. Bake longer if not yet browned (You can see the ones in the back haven’t been flipped yet).  Spray again and cook for an additional ~10 mins.

I topped my tofu deliciousness over a bed of steamed spinach, butternut squash, brussel sprouts, carrots and roasted tomato slices.

And topped with this great new find!

What an incredible (and easy!) meal.

* * *

The other love I’ve been obsessing over is Caffeinated Overnight Oats! Yes, I said caffeinated 😉

Night before, combine:
1/2 c cooked oats (I made mine in microwave with 1 cup h20)
1/2 c frozen raspberries
1 t instant espresso
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use SunWarrior brand)
Truvia (or sweetener of choice; 2 servings)
pinch sea salt

Stir. Add a splash of almond/soy milk (any milk will do) for extra creamyness. The next morning I stir in 1 tsp chia seeds and some crumbled pecans for crunch.

Chocolate-Raspberry Latte

I love already prepped breakfasts. Nothing like waking up to an already ready feast. Oh, and waking up to this guy.

* * *

Have a great weekend!

What are two foods you’ve been enjoying recently?

Do you prep breakfasts the night before?

>Dusty deliciousness

>Happy Wednesday. Today is day #3 of my 3-11:30pm shifts at the hospital. Thursday I’m off – and man am I looking forward do it!

Yesterday I woke refreshed at 7am and started my day. Who am I kidding? I peeled myself out of bed at 10:30, make a quick Berry Berry protein smoothie, then headed out for a run before work. This time, I did actually dress appropriately. Recently, I’ve been making it a point to run a few sets of stairs and do push-ups (I’m up to about 25 real ones) mid-run.

Yesterday it was the steps in front of the Lincoln Monument:

Do you ever stop mid-run to do crunches, push ups, yoga, etc? It’s a nice way to break up the run and get in some muscle-toning action.

When I returned, I refueled with a gigantic protein-packed salad monster.

Spinach, deli turkey (all natural version. Many kinds have gross fillers and preservatives), low-fat cottage cheese, garbanzo beans, cherry tomatoes, red grapes, Laughing Cow cheese wedge (light swiss version), sea salt, pepper, and a 1:1 mixture of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar.

Goddess + Balsamic = salad dressing heaven

* * *

Work was insanely busy, as usual. I snacked on a new protein bar. Ever try these?

20g protein. Kept me full til dinnah-time. Thanks to those of you that Tweeted some other all natural versions to try.

Next up:
– Zing Bars
– Perfect Foods Bars
– Clif Builder bars
– Kind Bars

Am I missing any good ones?

* * *

Last night I broke out this box that had been collecting dust in my pantry

I added cooked shrimp, peanut butter, and honey and they were pretty darn good.

* * * 

Okkkkk, I’m going to get off my butt now after RHNJ is over, head to the gym, then to work. Weeeeeeeee! <—-sarcasm

Have you recently dusted off anything in your pantry to be pleasantly surprised by it’s deliciousness? Or grossness?


>Hey y’all,

This is a quick post because I have quite the killer headache. No bueno 😦

I woke this morning feeling pretty good actually. Waking refreshed before the alarm always makes me feel like the day is going to be a good one. Boy was I wrong….

For breakfast I refused to accept that it’s 32F outside. It’s still fall in my eyes belly…

1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup organic pumpkin
1/4 cup egg whites
1 cup h20
stevia (2 servings)
dash sea salt
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (added after cooking)
Dollop Greek yogurt (sweetened with dash stevia)

[Insert 2.5 hour nap + Ibuprofen]

I woke hungry, head still aching, and threw together a quick, yet satisfying smoothie:

Berry Berry

1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup Greek Yogurt
1/2 frozen banana
heaping handfull spinach
3/4 cup frozen berry blend
1 T almond butter
pinch xanthan gum (to thicken)
dash sea salt (to bring out sweetness)


I’m off to get in a workout. Cardio seems to help in the headache department. I attribute it to increased oxygen to my brain…hahaha.
Have a good night ❤
Who’s watching GLEE tonight??

Check out the bottom of my Workout page. I’ve added links to my favorite races. <–Still a work in progress


>Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was spectacular. Sorry for the break in blogging, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t nice to leave the laptop at home and spend some quality time with the family.

Therefore, a bit of a rewind is in order…

Tuesday before work, my hip was feeling good so I headed out for a brisk 6-mile run around the National Mall.

Still looks like fall in the District

Wednesday morning we left before the sun came up and set out for an 8-hour roadtrip to The Granite State (New Hampsha). It wasn’t a bad drive at all – considering I slept over 6 hours 🙂

I was extremely happy to see the new Starbucks decorations when I eventually woke

Roadtrip breakfast of champions:
Oatmeal + diced banana + mixed in protein (I brought some SunWarrior along for the ride)
And a gigantic coffee (Venti coffee + 1 inch steamed soy) <—Picky?? haha


Thanksgiving morning I ran a 5K in the FREEZING (25F) weather with my entire family. I love our new tradition. I was happy with my time – I ran a 7:45 pace and it was hilly!

I didn’t take any pictures of our Thanksgiving meal because I really wanted to focus on spending quality time with my family that I rarely get to see (because I live in DC). I hope you understand 🙂

I did however, get a picture with the Manfriend’s new nephew.
I’m in love.

Friday morning I convinced my Dad to take a Bikram Yoga class with me (90 mins in 106F heat) and guess what? He LOVED it.

But first I fueled with a favorite fall classic:

Pumpkin Oats

In the mix:
1/4 cup oats (soaked in 1 cup almond milk overnight)
1/4 cup pumpkin (Note: use 100% pumpkin not pumpkin pie filling)
1/4 cup egg whites (optional, for extra protein)
stevia, 2 servings
1/4 t cinnamon
1/8 t nutmeg
teeeny pinch sea salt

Microwave ~3 mins or until oats rise
Stir in 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder
Top with 1/4 cup Greek yogurt (sweetened with stevia)


Both my parents run half marathons (Note: They started running in their 50’s) so I really think incorporating yoga into his training will help tremendously. It’s helped me for sure!

After an intense sweat sesh, I introduced him to a love in my life:
The Protein Cupcake!
These were fantastic. I think the peanut butter addition made all the difference.
In a bowl, combine and mix:
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I prefer chocolate SunWarrior)
1 T Greek yogurt
1T chunky peanut butter (can use smooth but the nuts were a nice addition)
1 T egg whites
1/8 t baking powder
stevia (1 serving)
teeeeny pinch sea salt
H20 to moisten

Spray mug with cooking spray
Spoon in mixture
Microwave for ~1 min, 30 seconds

Greek yogurt + stevia, cocoa nibs to garnish

After workout #1 was over, I headed out for an even longer workout #2…..

All I have to say was EVERYTHING at Banana Republic was 50% off….


All in all, it was a lovely weekend spent with family I love and miss. Sunday morning we had brunch with my parents then hit the road for a long trip back to the Nation’s Capital.

Check out those colors along the way. Not bad for a Blackberry camera!

Today after work I headed straight to Trader Joe’s as we’re completely out of food. I won’t comment on the ridiculously massive size of the bill, but I will say dinner was pretty great…
Taco Salad!

Ground lean turkey (cooked on the stove top over medium heat)

Turkey seasoning:
1/2 cup salsa
1 T chili powder
1 t cumin
1/2 tsp sea salt
pinch cayenne pepper (to spice it up)
juice from 2 lime wedges

And the BEST dressing….

1:1 Greek yogurt/Chipotle salsa + chili powder, cumin

Served with Trader Joe’s Spicy Veggie & Flax Chips


To top off a great night, we have Holiday music blasting and….

The Manfriend is painting the kitchen

My sister is painting a BEAUTIFUL new painting for our wall

And I’m sitting here relaxing…

With some red wine + dark chocolate.
See you tomorrow,

>Ah, to be a kid again.


You know you’ve had a rough few days at work when:

You sleep <6 hours/night
You are at work before 7am more days of the week than not
Working single digit hours no longer exist
Your Garmin clocks you at >8 miles per shift
Your feet and ankles are swollen twice their size

Would I trade it? No way. 

Last year I posted about my decision to leave my PhD program to pursue a clinical career. Since leaving, I am much happier and truly love my job (I am working as a nursing assistant on a transplant unit to gain clinical experience). The ability to make a difference in another’s life (physically and emotionally) on a daily basis genuinely fulfills me.

Is it nice to have a great support system at home? You bet.

This guy greeted me at the door

Last night after my 3rd consecutive 12-hour shift, I came home to quite the surprise courteous of my sister (a nurse), Kelsey.

My favorite oversized T-shirt, pj’s, and robe were perfectly laid out 
I was welcomed to a home filled with my childhood favorites. Not the healthiest of meals I’ve had in a while but it definitely brought me back to childhood

Bagel Bites and Pizza Rolls
Celeste individual pizzas

 Kraft Mac N’ Cheese
 Reeces’s Pieces
And a [current] favorite
BV Costal Estates Cabernet Sauvignon

How do you unwind after a long day? 

What were your favorite foods as a kid?


What are your Thanksgiving plans? I’m heading out for a run, working tonight, then packing and heading home to New Hampshire tomorrow!
Something to read: Check out my last post for an interesting new plan to cut back on smoking in the US and quite the debate among readers! 

>Sunday randomness: My life in pictures

>Want to know me a little better? Here are some weird/interesting/fun facts about yours truly..

My hair is naturally curly

Seth (aka Manfriend) and I have dated since 8th grade

I went to college at Northeastern University (Boston) before attending Georgetown for grad school

I went skydiving on my 21st birthday. My mom was not too pleased.

The day after Thanksgiving I go bowling with the Manfriend’s family every year. It’s intense. We even have matching shirts.

Attending President Obama’s inauguration was one of the best experiences of my life

 Seth is a great photographer. If you look closely in my eye you can see him taking the pic.

I have a beautiful niece named Morgan

I want to own a husky when I “grow up”

I bruise easily

In June I was the Maid of Honor for my best friend’s Brandy’s wedding in York, Maine

I wore a two-piece teal prom dress my junior year of high school AND tanned until I was orange

I look just like my mama.

Seth recently moved to DC from LA to be with me 🙂

Alyson, my best friend and college roommate also just moved to DC. Pretty soon I’ll recruit you too!

My siblings, cousins, and I attend Countryfest every summer in MA

I am the oldest of three (L to R: Me, Kelsey, Matt)

I am obsessed with the Manfriend’s niece, Portia. Look at those legs!

Running is my passion. Can ya spot me?

When I have a good race/PR I treat myself to a new piece of workout clothing.

We have a puppy named Michael.
Tell me a few facts about you!

Also, don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods Gift Card Giveaway!

>Peace out marathon, Hello San Fran!

>Hey guys,

How was your week? Did you check out Bo’s Letter? It’s incredible. My week was great on the work front. I am learning so much! Running on the other hand, not so much. More on that in a sec…

This morning I woke craving chocolate but wanted something substantial. Clearly, I went for a Chocolate Protein Cupcake!

In a bowl, combine:
1.5 scoops Chocolate protein powder (I love SunWarrior)
1 egg white
1/4 t baking powder
1 T Greek Yogurt
2 T peanut flour
pinch sea salt
H20 to moisten
Spray mug with cooking spray
Spoon in mixture
Microwave ~1.5 mins
Top with almond/peanut butter
After digesting and caffeinating, I attempted a 6 mile run to assess whether I am able to run the Richmond Marathon next weekend. If your new to the blog you can read about my recent injury here. In a nut shell, my hip hurt the entire run and I have come to the heartbreaking decision that I won’t be running the marathon. I have been holding back tears all day… 😦
In happier news, the Manfriend 1) Has a new baby nephew, Tanner Patrick! He’s such a cutie. I can’t wait to meet the lil guy. He looks just like his big sis, Portia. And 2) He brought home my favorite kind of wine, Petite Syrah:

Oh, and he nicely had the bottle autographed by the maker!

It was pretty delish!
Well I’m off to bed. Tomorrow I’m off to San Francisco for the Foodbuzz Food Blogger Festival! Don’t worry, I plan to take tons of pictures 🙂
Have a great weekend,

>Hello Fall, Goodbye running

>Hi everyone,

How have you been? Did you check out Stefanie’s letter for the Letters to Me campaign? It’s pretty amazing.

The last few days have been exhausting for me. I’ve worked 7am-7pm for the last 4 days. My legs and feet are sore. I swear I’d feel less tired if I ran 10 miles each day. Running around a hospital is hard stuff! But nonetheless, I am loving it. I am so glad I made the decision to follow my dream.


The upcoming seasons and holidays always remind me what I’m thankful for. Lately I’ve been thinking how amazing my sister is.

Kelsey (2 years), Me (4 years)

Besides being a gifted and beyond compassionate nurse, she is the best sister [and friend] I could ask for. She recently had a big job interview so I’m crossing my fingers for her! Kels, anyone would be lucky to have you work for them.

BFFs and roomies


OK, it’s confession time – long hours at work has forced me to put my marathon training on hold – well at least until I can catch up on some sleep. I can’t fathom running after a 12 hour shift on my feet. By Thursday, I plan to be back in action.

My meals have also changed a bit

I’ve had less glamorous breakfasts

Blueberry Protein Pancakes

And more…..

Instant oats + SunWarrior protein mixed in = Easy peasy breakfast on the run
More packed lunches…

Spiralized zucchini, tofu, veggies, peanuts, Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette

And snacks on the go..

How do you handle periods of work/school exhaustion?
Despite the work craziness, the weather has been pretty fantastic. I will admit I’ll be missing certain parts of summer like…
The Georgetown Waterfront

Eastern Market

Iced coffee

Reading on the lawn in front of beautiful Georgetown

And running by beautiful flower patches by the National Mall

I am however looking forward to…

Foliage back home to New Hampshire source

Warming up by the fireplace + a cup of tea + a good book
More cooking a la Manfriend. He cooks more in the winter/fall for some reason.

Buuuuut I’m not so sure I’m looking forward to this…

View from our apartment last winter (Washington, DC)
What are you looking forward to most this fall/winter?
How do you adjust to a hectic work/school schedule?