>Get a clue


How are ya? Pretty stoked it’s almost Friday ova hurrr. The weather has been absolutely GORG so I’m looking to spend a little less time in my air conditioned lab and more time in the SUN (with spf of course)!

Speaking of sun, there was an interesting article posted in the National Cancer Institutes recent bulletin. For anyone interesed in cancer research but doesn’t necessarily have a strong science background, this bulletin is great. And for those with a science background it’s equally great because you can keep up-to-date with cancer research advances in a single manuscript. And the primary papers are always linked through the article.

I know you may be striving to look like Donatella:


But please consider some excerpts from the article:

Did you know thatmelanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, increased among Caucasian women in the United States aged 15 to 39 by 50 percent between 1980 and 2004″????

First exposure to sunbeds before 35 years of age significantly increased the risk of melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma showed an increased risk”

The evidence does not support a protective effect of the use of sunbeds against damage to the skin from subsequent sun exposure. Young adults should be discouraged from using indoor tanning equipment and restricted access to sunbeds by minors should be strongly considered. Source

^AKA It is NOT BETTER to go tanning before a vacation to get a “base tan”

Consider the 10% tax on indoor tanning signed by President Obama as part of the health care reform bill. Tanning is taxed so we can use that money to pay for your SKIN CANCER BILLS!!!! Seriously, take a hint!!!

And if that doesn’t scare you, did you know that the survival rate is 5-10% once the cancer spreads???!

Please consider investing in some tan from a can!!! It will save your life and prevent you from looking like a leather bag! 😉

OK, enough rant..

This morning I woke up and took the pup for a walk. Had to snap a pic because he was lookin extra cute:

After our lovely time together I headed out for a 5-mile run. Not gonna lie, it wasn’t the most pleasant run.

Perdy, yes:

Perdy painful, umm yup.

Miles 1-3 felt fine. Then I hit a wall. Not sure why (maybe not enough water???). So I took the last 2 miles easy peasy. I used to get all kinds of pissed off if I had a not so stellar run, but lately I’ve come to realize that the “bad” runs (even though the ability TO run should be good enough in itself) make the really great runs, that much better.

Shortly after returning I made a protein smoothie both me and the Manfriend:

^Adapted from Kristen‘s recipe: 1 cup frozen cherries, 1 scoop chocolate whey protein, 1 tsp flax seed oil, 1 tsp cocoa powder, almond milk

I’ve been craving chia oats during lunch lately so I made these to bring to Experimentland:

^1/4 oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1/2 scoop Vanilla protein powder, 1/8 cup nuked frozen berries, stevia, dash sea salt. YUM!

Well I’ve gotta get back to my experiment. Fingers crossed for some positive results!!

QUESTION: Are there any habits/activities people do that are completely uncomprehendable to you and literally drive you up a wall??? LOL For me, it’s tanning beds!!!

Have a good night!!!
