>For da soul


Happy hump day! This week is flyyying by. I luuurve 4-day weekends 🙂

As I mentioned, the manfriend is moving to DC in two weeks (!) To make room, Kels (sis) and I switched rooms because her’s is ginormous. When decorating my new room, I decided to put up decorations, pictures, etc that fell into one of three categories: 1) Are motivating 2) Are calming or 3) Don’t have to do with scienceland. Actually, number 3 is a requirement 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, I love experimentland more than I should, but after years of living in what looked like a scientific library, I decided to make a change.

>>What do you do to make your room, apartment, etc. generate a mood?

As I mentioned I went for a motivating/calming effect. Yes I know these seem strange as they’re opposites, but they have purpose I swear:

(Sorry for the glare!)

^^This picture totally puts me at ease. I have it directly across from my bed so it’s the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. It reminds me of our home in Myrtle Beach, SC. Aaaaaah.

Picture my uncle gave to me for Christmas a few years back:

^^It reminds me that this (working to become a doctah) is all part of the “journey”, good or bad. It also reminds me that when the science isn’t working (which in research is most of the time) it’s all a learning experience and is making me a better scientist in the long run.

Here are some items that help drag my lazy butt outta bed to lab or out for a morning run:

^^Runner’s World calendar, free with subscription 😉 Full of scenic landscapes and inspirational quotes.

I wore these during my first marathon:

This is the metal and number from receiving a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon:

>> At home, what do you surround yourself with????

Have a great day! – L