
>What a wonderful weekend – one filled with good food, solid running, and a our wonderful city invaded with a ka-jillion food bloggers. Sorry if we crowded your Twitter with our #bloggersinvadedc Tweets 😉 It was a fabulous time. As you know, this weekend was the SunTrust National Marathon and Half.

Despite the race’s chaos (only 2 mile markers, tons of parking traffic), I ran a pretty solid half and finished in 1:44:04 (thought it was 1:43; beating last year’s time by 4 mins). I am pretty excited about this time considering I stopped to pee and waited for 5 mins at the 8th mile marker for the Manfriend (who was supposed to meet and run the last 5 miles). But yeah, that didn’t work out so well (he arrived 10 mins after I left and waited for another 30. Whoops.) Last year was super organized, I’m not sure what happened this year. But I’d still run it again. I thought the course was pretty great (I heard the next 13.1 of the full were pretty dull). There was one big hill in Dupont Circle but other than that smooth sailing, sun on my face, and surrounded by blooming cherry blossoms. I also ran into Anne somewhere around mile 4. Quick gab sesh and we we were on our ways!

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Post race, the Manfriend and I grabbed lunch at J.Paul’s in Georgetown (M Street). They have the best crab cakes.

We split the shrimp cocktail

Crab cakes, and a salad



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Then it was time to meet up with some crazy foodies! And LOTS of em 🙂 (Love this candid of Holly, haha)

Thanks to Emily for organizing such a fun event! We met Northside Social, a really neat coffee house and wine bar in Arlington, VA. The downstairs area is a cute coffee shop flanked by private rooms and cute nooks, while the upstairs wine room reminds me of tasting in Sanoma: Large wooden bar, white walls, and lovely artwork. I rolled with a glass of champagne (what? I needed to celebrate my half marathon, haha)and chatted up a storm then made my way back to DC, ordered organic Chinese delivery (yes, I said organic Chinese. Booya.) then hit the hay after an exciting yet exhausting day.

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This morning the sun was shining and I wanted to stretch out my poor sore legs. A leisurely walk was in order before a killer Bikram yoga class.

(I think Michael enjoyed)

Legs feel bueno. Bikram does it everytime ❤

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Something to ponder:

Seth and I always say to each other “What are you thinking about right now“? And the other has to respond with what’s going on in their mind at that exact moment. I’m not sure why/when we started this but it’s usually when we catch each other in a stare or at very random moments (like during a run, yoga, while eating, etc.). During bunch he asked me “What are you usually thinking about when you’re not focused on an exact task?”

This got me thinking. As much as I try to be in the present, I’m often planning tomorrow including what I’m going to cook, which workout I’ll do, etc. This is something that I struggle with and constantly repeat to myself “Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.”

One thing about food/health bloggers I’ve noticed is the amount of time they (myself included) spend thinking about food, running, lifting, yoga, etc. Yes, you may be physically healthy but if you’re constantly consumed by these thoughts and not thinking about real life, you may not be putting your mental health first.

Try making a mental note each time you think about exercise, food, etc. It may be a wake-up call. Healthy living should not be life -consuming.