>Start to finish

>Lately I’ve been beginning and ending my day in a positive day, both physically and mentally. ‘Physically’, meaning starting with a mega nutrient packed breakfast (and lots of hydration!), and ending with a balanced (yet satisfying) dinner and small dessert (that often does just as much for the soul as taste buds) – think hot tea, warmed almond milk with a little cinnamon and stevia, few squares of dark chocolate or glass of red wine.

On the ‘mental‘ side, I’ve been spending a few mins each morning thinking about what I want to get out of the day (beyond day-to-day tasks) and how I can do something to better someone else’s day, whether that ‘someone’ is the Earth or someone around me. At night, I been trying to rid the “what are the 10 kajillion things I need to accomplish tomorrow?” thoughts and focusing on what I’m thankful for.

Try it out. Spend a few mins reflecting on the day to come or day that’s passed and I promise you’ll feel a new sense of rejuvenation and appreciation for life.

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Well kids, Spring Summer is in the air! I can almost taste skinny margaritas on the Georgetown waterfront. On yesterday’s 7-mile run, I couldn’t help being brought back to childhood among the smell of freshly cut grass (not that margaritas have anything to do with my childhood, haha). Every time I smell this I’m instantly brought back. Do any smells do this for you?

Endorphin Trips 7-mile runs are so much better when they’re finished with a Power Smoothie!

 The players
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1/2 c frozen raspberries
hand full fresh spinach
1 T almond butter (healthy fat to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
1/2 c almond milk
1 t spirulina (probiotic)
1 t maca powder (for energy buzzzzz)
stevia, 1 serving (to sweeten)
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)
water, to desired consistency

I’m starting to feel a sore throat coming on so the rest of the day’s meals were also nutrient dense (only lunch pictured).

One of my favorite salad combos!
The players
diced tofu
yellow pepper
raw almonds
sunflower seeds
1:1 mixture of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar
And fresh Juice!!!
  broccoli stems 
+ parsley

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Last night I met up with Sara and Katie for FroYo and dinner. FroYo was a bust since Pinkberry’s line was around the block (literally) but I had a great time chatting away with the girls at dinner! I’ve hung out with Sara a number of times and it was great to finally meet Katie! Pics to come 🙂
Have a wonderful Friday!
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What smells bring you back to summer?

Would you embrace taking a few moments at the start and end of each day for positive reflection?

What’s your kick-a-cold-in-the-butt remedy?