>Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful..

>Does anyone know where fall went? I feel like summer was just around the corner and we just skipped over fall and it’s now magically December. Is it me or does time go by faster each year we grow older? Hmph.

It’s only a matter of days until we see this again…
Last winter in Washington, DC
During the winter months I 90% of the time crave hot and comforting foods: think big bowls of oatmeal, soup, stews, etc. 
Almost every day recently I’ve been having a steaming hot bowls of… 
Blueberry Muffin Oats
1/3 cup oats (soaked overnight in 1 cup almond milk)
1/4 cup egg whites
pinch sea salt
1/3 cup blueberries
1/2 scoop vanilla protein (added after microwaving)
As the weather gets colder I typically replace salads, sushi, and other cold foods for those that warm my soul. Since I’ve been working a lot, most lunches have to be thrown together on the
Some canned favorites
 For more protein add diced tofu and/or nutritional yeast 
 Spice ’em up with black pepper, cayenne, cumin, etc. and
ALL-time favorites
Indian fare: Add diced tofu, beans, and frozen veggies
Tomato/Pepper soup: Make magic soup!
Favorite veg burger
  Make veggie burger pizzas or toast them at work and top over toast + marinara 

Roasted veggies on day #2 are even better than day #1.

What are your favorite quick-prep winter meals???


Well I’m off to enjoy the rest of my day off! On today’s agenda:
– BodyPump class
– Run with the Manfriend
– Decorate/clean apartment
– Vino & dinner party
Have a great weekend,

*Something to read: Check out my BFF Alyson’s fun, quirky new blog!

>Be thankful

>TGIF! I’m laying on the couch a little sore after a long trip to the dentist’s office. I recently cracked my tooth eating a wasabi pea (ouch!) and had a temporary crown put on. Don’t you just love trips to the dentist?? Joking aside, I have a fantastic dentist if anyone in the DC area is looking.

Here are some recent foods I’ve been enjoying over the last few days:

Veggie burger pizzas
Morningstar pizza burgers (grilled) on top of a grilled whole grain wrap, with organic marinara, laughing cow cheese, oregano, basil, garlic powder

Coffee soy milk
The first two ingredients are coffee and water (for you caffeine lovers)! I scored this from the Foodbuzz Festival tasting pavilion.
My beloved SunWarrior arrived!

Protein pasta
Carba nada protein pasta topped with “meat” sauce (quorn, marinara, nutritional yeast, oregano, basil, garlic powder, red pepper flakes)

I’ve also been enjoying spending time with this handsome young man..

Not sure why but he’s been extra cuddly lately. I’ll take it ❤


On the workout front, my hip is still hurting. My PT gave me the a-ok to run 5-6 miles a few times per week but I’m being even more cautious than that. From my experience, it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’ve been doing lots more spinning classes, BodyPump and even tried out some new exercise classes (lots of circuit training, which I’m LOVING). As much as I miss running, I’m trying my best to stay positive. Sometimes you have to just be thankful that you still can exercise at all. Sometimes I take that for granted.
Stay tuned around Thanksgiving, when my brother (studying to be a strength and conditioning coach for pro athletes) is going to put me through a 4-day workout series. Think women + heavy lifting!
Have a great weekend!

Have you tried any new workouts?
DVDs? Classes?
Any suggestions for someone with two left feet??


* An interesting article: Why teens are more susceptible to long-term drug and alcohol induced brain damage compared to adults

>Quickie but a goodie..

>Hi folks! This is gonna be a quick one because I’ve gotta get back to Studyland! I hope you’re having a fantastic day 🙂

I woke this morning eyes wide SHUT, and walked straight to Sir Keurig. When I was home in NH we hit up a local coffee shop where they sell Keurig cups very cheap…Think we have enough????
It paired nicely with my Chocolate-Covered Strawberry and Flax Green Monstah (that’s a mouthful…no pun intended. Corny, yes?)

1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder (I use SunWarrior), ~5 frozen strawberries, hand full frozen spinach, 1 tsp flax seeds, pinch xanthan gum (to thicken), stevia, dash sea salt, ice, H20

[Insert 2.5 hours deep into Studytown]
Needing quite the break I thew on my running shoes and hit the pavement. I did a nice 5-miler around the Potomac River. Actually, I was sweltering HOT and it was mostly uphill but I did feel pretty fantastic afterwards 🙂
For lunch I threw together what I could find. We need groceries BADLY!
2 Morningstar Pizza Burgers topped with warmed marinara sauce + nutritional yeast (gives it a cheeeeesy flavor), carrots n’ PB, sliced cukes w/ TJs FF Balsamic Vinegar
Still a little hungry I had a small cup of last night’s Indian feast…
Tofu, spinach, veggies, lentils, TJ’s Curry Simmer Sauce, pinch turmeric, pinch coriander (last night I ate it with garlic naan but failed to take a pic cause it hit my stomach too fast)
Alright I’m about ready to hit the books….
I leave you with some pics from 4th of July (Manfriend is sloooow uploading) and Countryfest.
Have a great night!!!!

Ferry ride to Provincetown (P-Town), MA (look relaxed, do I???)

Playing with Seth’s niece Portia on the beach in Plymouth, MA

Countryfest. Not sure what the ‘tude is for..


Group pic. Check out the Manfriend’s sick stache. hahaha...