>Ah, to be a kid again.


You know you’ve had a rough few days at work when:

You sleep <6 hours/night
You are at work before 7am more days of the week than not
Working single digit hours no longer exist
Your Garmin clocks you at >8 miles per shift
Your feet and ankles are swollen twice their size

Would I trade it? No way. 

Last year I posted about my decision to leave my PhD program to pursue a clinical career. Since leaving, I am much happier and truly love my job (I am working as a nursing assistant on a transplant unit to gain clinical experience). The ability to make a difference in another’s life (physically and emotionally) on a daily basis genuinely fulfills me.

Is it nice to have a great support system at home? You bet.

This guy greeted me at the door

Last night after my 3rd consecutive 12-hour shift, I came home to quite the surprise courteous of my sister (a nurse), Kelsey.

My favorite oversized T-shirt, pj’s, and robe were perfectly laid out 
I was welcomed to a home filled with my childhood favorites. Not the healthiest of meals I’ve had in a while but it definitely brought me back to childhood

Bagel Bites and Pizza Rolls
Celeste individual pizzas

 Kraft Mac N’ Cheese
 Reeces’s Pieces
And a [current] favorite
BV Costal Estates Cabernet Sauvignon

How do you unwind after a long day? 

What were your favorite foods as a kid?


What are your Thanksgiving plans? I’m heading out for a run, working tonight, then packing and heading home to New Hampshire tomorrow!
Something to read: Check out my last post for an interesting new plan to cut back on smoking in the US and quite the debate among readers!