>Party all night and sleep all day and throw all my problems away, my life would be eassssyyyyy

>Hiiiii!!!!! I’M ALIVE!!! 🙂

Sorry I’ve been MIA, I’ve been quite busy the last few days. Busy working on my M.S. thesis, busy celebrating the Manfriend’s birfffday, busy errand-ing, and supa busy catching up on some ZZZZZZZZs!

So here’s a recap of the last few days..And let me just say each meal here is made with the SCRAPS we have left around the apartment. I don’t think I’ve ever needed to grocery shop so badly!!!

I’ve been on an oats/protein powda/fruit kick lately, BUUUT since we’re out of almost everything I came up with this:

^1/3 cup oats (soaked in H20 overnight + 2 tbsp egg whites), microwaved, then topped with 1 runny egg + sea salt/pepper

This was DELISH! I love the taste of plain oats (I’ve missed them!) and the gooey egg made it creamy and fantastic.

I worked on my MS Thesis all afternoon then met the Manfriend for a late lunch/coffee break at my favorite coffee shop, Soho Tea and Coffee.

I had this GINORMOUS iced coffee w/ soy:

And Seth had an iced vanilla latte:

^Perdy but too sweet for my liking. I like my coffee to taste like coffee 🙂

We split a garden salad with balsamic:

And turkey sandwich on multigrain w/ lettuce, tomato, provolone, and spicy mustard:

If you are in the DC area, try out this place! Not only ADORABLE, they have great food AND serve beer/wine/cocktails!

Friday night was a designated movie night (and much needed!). We watched The Lovely Bones. Have you seen this??? I haven’t read the book so I can’t comment on that, but the movie was just — WEIRD. Was one of those that leave you feeling a little uncomfortable at the end. Know what I mean????

Saturday I slept until 12:15pm, HA! Guess I needed that R&R. I caffeinated then slurped down this Chocolate-Strawberry Protein smoothie:

^SOOO GOOD! I need more chocolate smoothies in my life. I made it with 1 scoop chocolate Designer Whey, 1 cup frozen strawberries, dash stevia, H20, ice, pinch xanthan gum (for xtra THICKNESSSS). Twas more like ICE CREAM!

Post-digestion I had a KICK-ARSE workout consisting of:

5 mile run around the Potomac River (*sans Ipod!)
Abs, weighted lunges

*If you know me, you KNOW I RUN WITH MUSIC. I would rather have a disqualifying time in a road race than run in silence, haha. Saturday however, my ipod was dead and the weather was GORG so I headed out WITHOUT IT! And????? It was FANTASTIC. Not saying I’m gonna do this all the time (esp. on boring routes or treadmill sesh’s) but there was something peaceful and mind-clearing among only the sounds of good ole Mother Nature.

DO YOU EVER run/exercise without music?????

Later in the evening, Seth and I attended a roof-top BBQ at our friend Will’s amazing apartment. On the menu:

^Romaine, avocado, tomato, carrot, onion in Will’s homemade balsamic (Balsamic vinegar, EVOO, and diced fresh garlic)

Main course (most had steak, I stuck with da fish):

^Sorry for the BLURRY pic!!! Salmon and veggie kabobs, corn on the cob, and sampled some steak.

Oh, and lots of…


Seth happily chowin’ down:

After dinner we did a little bar hoppin to celebrate SETH’s 27th BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Sethypoo, I love you. 😉 Cornball? Um, yes.

Sunday the Birthday festivities continued with dinner in the park (thincrust pizza from Pizzeria Paradiso), wine, cake and presents. Since Seth had little sleep Sunday night (had to eeeearly in the AM, he wanted a low-key night). Twas PERFECT!

I on the other hand, got a little more sleep…

^Not even kidding. Sadly 😉

Toddddayyy has been perdy good — no complaints here. I started the day with some oats/eggs (above) and then hit the gym for:

45min Club Strength class (total body lifting)
Treadmill sesh (20 mins at 7:47 min/mile then 5 X 30 sec sprints at 5:33min/mile.

Was one SWEATY beast!!!!

OKKKK folks, I’m otta here. Gotta stop at Whole Foods to get supplies for tonight’s Magic soup (its rainy hurrrr so this will be delish), laundry (boo), and then Real Housewives of HOTLANTA!!! Who’s watchin???!

PS…My LAST DAY IN LAB is May 24th!!! Can you believe it???

