>Letters to Me: A Poem by Julie


Hi everyone, I hope you’re having a great Thursday!

Yesterday I went for a great 6-mile training run

How pretty?

Then packed a lunch then headed to Volunteer! On Wednesdays I volunteer as a Health and Wellness coach with inner city DC middle school kids. It’s such an amazing experience. After a great day, I met Lauren from Eat, Drink, and Be Hopeful for vino at Evo Bistro, a restaurant in McLean, VA. Sorry no pics, but we had a blast!!!

Today I have a special guest post for you from Julie of Peanut Butter Fingers. Julie wrote a poem as a fun twist for the “Letters to Me” campaign. Enjoy!

Fat free this and low carb that
I ate everything light so I wouldn’t get fat
I never felt satisfied
I never felt full
100 calorie packs of nothing…
How’s that for fuel?

Then one day
A light bulb clicked
And something changed
My mind had been tricked

Those Lean Cuisines
And frozen meals
We’re doing nothing for…
My healthy ideal

The way I was eating
Was totally deranged
Not enough veggies or fruit
My diet was strange

My mom’s breast cancer diagnosis
Hit me hard
I wanted to change my eating
My health, I would guard

A Lean Pocket doesn’t pack…
Much of a nutritional punch
I tossed those out
In favor of greens and protein for lunch

Dinners became full…
Of whole grains and legumes
I started reading healthy living blogs
And was totally consumed

These girls ate food
That was whole and real
Not fat free or light
But complete, nutritious meals

My goal then started…
To change a bit
Skinny wasn’t my priority
Nope, not one bit

All of the sudden my health came first
And my mind was made up
I would eat and feel satisfied
Not hungry and fed up

With a change in my diet
Came a change in my mood
I found myself more energetic
And happier, too

We are what we eat
Or so they say
I’m not fat-free or light
And I wouldn’t have it any other way