>What’s that in the sky?

>Despite a fun weekend spent with the Manfriend’s family, the weather was c-r-a-p-p-y. We spent their last da sightseeing and dined at Old Ebbitt, a historic restaurant (founded in 1956) next to the White House (you may remember the last time I took my fam there).

I wasn’t that hungry but wanted something more than a boring garden salad. 
Seared seafood + salad was the perfect choice.
Shrimp, scallops, muscles, calamari, roasted red peppers, portabello mushrooms tossed in olive oil, sea salt, black pepper over fresh greens and served with a side of basil vinaigrette.

Aaaaand a glass of Prosecco 😉 

Today the weather is quite an improvement

Sunny and high of 82!
Although 3-11:30pm hospital shifts are not my favorite, I’m quite content as I type up this post on our back deck listening to the birdies chirp away.
Michael is surely enjoying the warm change as well!
(Like his new haircut? Before pic here)
In the spirit of blooming spring, I started my day off with a refreshing glass of Green Juice (a la my new juicer)
The players

Which nicely accompanied a Cinnamon-Vanilla Protein Cupcake

How cute are these new lil cupcake dishes? 

Cake mix
1 serving vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior ovaa here)
1 T egg whites
1/2 t vanilla extract (I found an all natural version at Trader Joe’s)
baking powder, pinch
stevia, 1 serving
sea salt, teeeeny pinch
h20, to moisten

Microwave 1 min, 30 seconds

stevia-sweetened fat-free Greek Yogurt
crushed walnuts, nutmeg to garnish

Well in the spirit of nice weather, I’m off to enjoy this lovely day before work tonight! I feel a long run in the sun coming up 🙂

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? <–Wait, are we really talking about the weather?

Tell me about your weekend!