>Sure you can cook me an lavish dinner.

>Hey guys, hope you had a nice holiday weekend. For those of you back to work, welcome back. For the lucky rest of you taking off time until New Years, I am envious.

I worked 12.5 hours day – long, I know. I posted on Twitter that I’ve been walking [fast] for the last 12 hours and no matter how many times I do it, it doesn’t get [physically] easier. 8 hour shifts on the unit (I work on a transplant floor of a hospital) go by sooo fast. It’s the last 4 hours that test my perseverance 😉

So now I’m home, cuddled up on the couch with a glass of vino

And patiently waiting while Kels (sister) cooks dinner. Life is good, my friends. Who doesn’t like to be waited on, right? In the meantime, I decided to take some pics of Michael with my new camera

This one cracks me up.
* * * *

Dinner was pretty fantastic. Kelsey’s scallops are to-die-for.

Lightly seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, black pepper and tossed with fresh garlic.

Served with red quinoa and roasted asparagus

Quinoa (boil until soft)
1 cup quinoa
2 cups water
1 cup organic chicken broth (can use veggie)
1/4 t cumin
pinch cayenne
sea salt
black pepper
Steam until soft
Toss in diced garlic, evoo, s/p
 Satay until garlic is roasted
Broil 5 mins until crispy

* * * *

Well I’m off to bed, have to be on the [hospital] floor for 7am! eek. See you tomorrow..

What are your New Years Plans?

What are you looking to most in the new year?