>A perfect day

>Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days, I’ve been quite busy. So a little rewind is in order….

Sunday was one of those “perfect days”. You wake up early and efficiently spend 100% of every minute doing something that makes you happy. Sunday morning, the Manfriend and I ran the Jingle All the Way 10K together.

It’s one of my favorite races, but this year, it was…


We ended up running 8.2 miles because parking was ~1 mile from the start/finish lines, and it was just waaaay too cold to walk.

Done. And soaked!
 Allllmost to car

As soon as we got home I took a looooong HOT shower until I could feel my toes again. And then the most beautiful and glorious thing happened…

A nap! Now you must know, naps are my thing. In college and grad school I napped between and after class all the time. I was usually up late studying and up again early for 8am class, so I had to squeeze them in when I could.

Why do I love napping so much, you may be asking? Because I have mastered the perfect nap.

#1 Take a hot (and possibly lengthy) shower or bath
#2 Towel off then dress yourself in a warm [dry] robe. I prefer floor length.
#3 Wrap hair in towel
#4 Have a snack if you’re hungry (after the race it was hot tea + Greek yogurt w/ fruit for me)
#5 Turn on fan to eliminate noise if needed
#6 Use hair towel to cover pillow case
#7 Set an alarm (or 5, if you’re like me)
#8 Drift away in your warm and cozy cocoon



When I woke, it was time to get baking for the DC Blogger Cookie Exchange! The Manfriend offered to help, so we blasted holiday music and got cooking! I found about the event last minute so Lisa was so nice to let me come to her apartment packed with tons of other foodies 🙂

On the menu (1 of 3 cookies I made):

  Dark Chocolate & Coconut Macaroon Cookie Balls

(Refined-sugar, butter, oil, and gluten-free!)

Secret ingredient (makes em extra moist):

In a large bowl, combine:

1.5 cups coconut flour
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2 eggs
1/4 cup apple sauce
1/2 t baking powder
1/4 cup almond milk
dark chocolate chunks
stevia (~7 servings)
1 t vanilla
1/4 t sea salt
coconut milk (to moisten, ~1/2 cup)

Preheat oven to 350F
Spray baking sheet with baking spray
Roll into cookie balls

Bake for ~10 mins or until cooked throughout (bottoms become slightly browned)
Line new pan/plate with parchment paper (sprayed with cooking spray)
Dip 1/2 cookie ball in melted dark chocolate

Let cook until chococlate hardens

I saw some familiar faces and met so many new friends! Thanks again Lisa for hosting us! We chatted over wine, spiked cider, appetizers, and more cookies than I’ve ever seen in my entire life! It was a blast 🙂  
I thought the excitement was done for day until I arrived home to a lavish dinner prepared by the Manfriend.

Wine to start
Place setting with nice message on back of card

Organic spring mix with tomatoes and balsamic

  Roasted red potatoes (EVOO, parsley, basil, thyme, cayenne, sea salt, pepper)

Crab legs
Side of green beans sauteed in EVOO, garlic, onion, sea salt, pepper.
Perfect day, in my eyes.
What’s your idea of a perfect day?