>[Healthified] Mexican & margaritas…. and a klutz.

>Happy Saturday! Did you check out my Whole Foods Giveaway??! Well I’m off until from work until Tuesday and it feels good. I’ve been working so much lately that this nice little break is definitely welcomed with open arms. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but being on your feet for 12+ hours per shift is tiring!

Yesterday was also a lovely day off. I woke to a hearty bowl of Blueberry Muffin Oats, caffeinated then headed to the gym for a solo spinning sesh. Not feeling cardio-happy, I opted for a BodyPump-inspired total body weights sesh. I’ve been neglecting the weights lately so it felt good to squeeze it in.
For lunch I made an oldie (for some) but a goodie. Faux Mac N Cheese, or savory oats as it’s called.
1/2 cup cooked oats
1 light Laughing Cow cheese wedge
1/4 cup frozen spinach, warmed
3 T nutritional yeast (to read health benefits click here)
1/2 cup egg whites (cooked separately on stove top)
pinch sea salt, black pepper
Combine + stir well
Optional: Drizzle with hot sauce
Great comfort food AND it’s healthy!

Later in the day the Manfriend surprised me with a picnic-ish date to watch the sunset sun go down over the river.

He packed vino (Petite Syrah, my favorite)

His and Hers chocolate (dark for me)

And we sipped, chatted, laughed until the sun set

All was perfect until I spilled my perfect glass of wine

It was still a perfect date ❤ 

After wine & chocolate we headed to my friend Alyson’s apartment for a Mexican and margarita dinner party. I made a healthy (yogurt based) chipotle dip and the (skinny/all natural) margaritas. Although there were already several people over before we arrived Alyson waited for me to make the drinks. How nice! haha

Silver tequila, tiny splash triple sec, fresh lime juice, tiiiny splash OJ, agave.

Somehow I ended up cooking the majority of the meal as well! It didn’t bother me though, I love dinner parties!

I cooked the meat and sauteed veggies.

Organic lean ground turkey

Organic chicken breasts

Meat seasoning:
EVOO (2 T)
Salsa (1/4 cup)
Chili powder (2 T)
Cumin (1/2 t)
sea salt/pepper
squeeze lime juice

My plate! Chicken, turkey, tomatoes, guac, Spanish rice, veggies, & dressing

It was a great night 🙂

Have a great day! Don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods Gift Certificate Giveaway