>And I’m D-O-N-E

>Well I completed all of my Christmas shopping. And it only took me TWO trips. SUCCESS!

The first trip was incredibly successful. On the list:

– Mom
– Dad
– Brother
– Sister-in-law (to be)
– Michael (puppy)
– Secret Santa

Kelsey (sister) was my shopping buddy. We even hit up Dog Fish Ale House for dinner. If you’re a beer drinker and from the DC/VA/MD are, chances are you drink this stuff. I, on the other hand, am not a beer drinker. I never did like the taste. Wine is my thang.

We started with a bottle of Cabernet recommended by the server:

It. was. disgusting. 

I’ve never sent back wine before (unless it was corked) but this one tasted like sugar-y, syrup-y, grossness. I do not recommend.

This one, on the contrary, was pretty fantastic:

Dinner was good. Kels and I split the grilled salmon:

Veggies sauteed in olive oil rather than butter

And seared ahi tuna: 

And a side of steamed spinach (drizzled in EVOO, lemon, S&P)

* * *

Today I had the day off. I woke around 10am, caught up on the news, and made a breakfast classic..

The Protein Cupcake
Combine then microwave 1 min 30 seconds:
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 T egg white
pinch baking powder
pinch sea salt
water to moisten

1/4 cup fat-free Greek yogurt
2 T peanut flour
teeny bit of sea salt

(recipe inspired by Toneitup‘s protein pancake)

* * *

After digesting, the Manfriend and I jogged to the gym (1 mile each way), then I BodyPumped while he lifted and jump roped (fun fact: my brother and bf are crazy-good jump ropers)

We lunched on Soup courteous of Amy then I hit the streets for day #2 of holiday shopping. Fortunately Georgetown has amazing stores so I didn’t have to walk far. And after 2 shopping trips, I finished the Manfriend’s gifts and I’m D-O-N-E!

* * *

For holidays, birthdays, etc., are you an early-bird shopper or procrastinator like me?