>Alright Funk, enough already.

>Hiiiii everyone!!!

I’M BACKKKKK!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sweet comments on my last post! Y’all really made my day!!!! It’s seriously such a wonderful and supportive community in Bloggerland. I LOVE IT!!!

I am going to dedicate this post to what I tend to do when in a poopy mood, and what I DID to get me out of this terrible FUNK! We all have bad days, weeks, etc. and after all of the tears are gone, ya gotta pick yourself up. How do you do this????

For me, the last few days have been spent doing things that bring a smile to my face. Such as:

Spending time with close friends:

^Ally and I post-crawfish boil (details to come! Twas awesome!!)

Doing insanely sweat-provoking and endorphin-pumping workouts:

^Spinning kicks my arse every time. Seriously check out that SWEAT!

Splurging on nourishing meals (how I justify redic overpriced salads):

Making an (un)necessary trip to Tar-jay — just cause:

^Nothing like new workout and summer clothes to lift your spirit 😉

Letting your significant other take you on a fancy dinner date (like I’d ever say NO!):

^Rare seared Ahi Tuna

^Scallops over risotto

^Split this perfect concoction with the Manfriend (chocolate tart and ice cream over a caramelized banana)

Lounging in the sun by the Waterfront:

And staying til the sun goes down (and then some) for a riverside dinner:

^Sequoia at the Georgetown Waterfront

^Ahi tuna and avocado app

^Grilled salmon

And HAPPILY making some treats out of the INCREDIBLE GENEROUS package POM Wonderful sent me! Thank you again!!

^Shameless promotion (Manfriend’s friend Will on L, MF on R) of Blended POM Margaritas (clear tequila, splash triple sec, 1 tsp agave, splash fresh lime juice, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, ice. Blended = Magic)

^POM margarita on the rocks (clear tequila, splash triple sec, splash POM juice, fresh lime juice, dash stevia, ice)

^POM protein smoothies (1 scoop vanilla whey, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/2 frozen banana, splash POM juice, dash stevia, 1 tsp flax seed oil, ice, H20)….FANTASTIC!!!

And running your favorite and most scenic running routes. AND stopping at those that give you that aaaah feeling:

Let me know WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!!!!! I’ll be back later today for a post about to the cause of my funk…and some other recent adventures 🙂

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

