>Birfday, Manfriend’s familia, & Giveaway winner!

>It’s been a craaaazyy weekend over here! Thursday was my sister’s birthday and I surprised her by inviting her BFF from home and planning a surprise dinner with 8 of her closest friends.

We went to the fantastic Cava Mezze in Capitol Hill.

Tapas galore (scallops, shrimp, muscles, hummus/pita, mac n’ cheese, wilted greens, fresh salads, roasted veggies) and fabulous cocktails. I went with champagne because 1) It’s was a celebration (duh) and 2) That seems to be how I roll these days.

Dinner and great convo led to dancing…naturally.

Yup. It was one of those nights. Danced and laughed til my feet and stomach hurt.

At one bar a guy asked me (cause what guy doesn’t use this pick-up line), “Hey babe, what are you drinking tonight?” Without hesitation I replied “Milk. He walked away.
Speaking of letting a guy know you’re not interested, have you seen this video? I freakin love this girl. And want to be her BFF.
* * *
And the main reason I haven’t blogged all weekend is….the Manfriend’s family is here! All 10 of them!
They arrived Friday morning and spent the day at the National Mall. I was pretty busy with Kelsey’s bday plans so I met them Saturday morning at the National Zoo. Being slightly tired from the night’s shenanigans, I jogged to meet them around 10am because 8 was not in the cards for me
(I look ridiculously cheesy in this picture. Cool jacket too. Thought you’d also like a nice laugh.)
Me and Portia (seth’s niece)
Tanner! Look at those baby blues!
Patience (sister; mama of Portia and Tanner)
Seth’s mama Pam and P


Nate (oldest brother) and future sister-in-law, Taylor
Seth and T (look at those cheeeks!)

Sadly, the only picture I have of Bobby (brother) and wife, Jen

 This morning I woke early for a 7-mile run (hence the make-up less face) then Seth and I cooked brunch for the whole gang!

Portia, my lil helper
Seth’s brother-in-law, Corey (Tanner and Portia’s dad, hubby of Patience) 

eggs (made to order)
fresh fruit
fresh OJ (a la my new juicer)
* * *
Gotta run! Off to meet up with the crazy clan again before they leave!
Oh one more thing, bet you’re wondering about the Sinless Margarita Giveaway winner, eh?

By random number generator (aka “Tara pick a number between 1 and 103”), the winner is:
Send me your mailing address (Biochemista@gmail.com) and I’ll ship you a bottle!
Happy Sunday Everyone!

>Skinny margarita giveaway!

>Oh man, was the weather summer-freakin-delicious today. I worked 7am-7pm so didn’t reeeeally get to enjoy the day, but I did enjoy the night.

I arrived home tired. My feet hurt (12.5 hours of running around like a legit crazy woman is hard work y’all). I was hungry. And I wanted a margarita. Without much thinking, I threw together what I wanted rather than what I thought I should have. Ya know what I mean?

Curry + Tequila was on the brain.

Cauliflower, brussels, green beans steamed then broiled with olive oil spray, curry powder, sea salt, black pepper.
And Skinny margaritas on the deck!
What’s even better than reading about how I sucked down 2-3 of these babies? Winning a free bottle of Sinless All-Natural Margarita mix! When the very nice people at Sinless contacted me and asked if I would want to sample their mix, I said a big ole “YES PLEASE!”
Now you all know I’m quite the [skinny] margarita lover (evidence here, here, and here). But I’m also quite picky. I hate sour mix and I don’t believe a margarita should equal a day’s worth of calories. I like Bethenny Frankel’s idea of a “skinny” margarita. But let’s face it, a margarita with the same alcohol content of wine is not a margarita, nor is particularly skinny when you end up drinking 3-4 glasses.
Therefore, I created my own version(s) of skinny margaritas that I adore. They are easy to make at home but sometimes I wish I had a pre-made mix (think pool party, bbq, etc).
Thankfully the tequila gods answered my prayers.
5 calories per serving. And all-natural.

Yep. Water, lime juice, lemon juice, vitamin C, and stevia. That’s it.

The directions call for 2 parts mix, 1 part tequila, which is good. But want to know what’s great?

1 – 1.5 shots/oz clear tequila
drizzle (1/4 shot) triple sec
1 oz mix
+ 4 thawed straberries

Shake, shake, shake!

Want to try a bottle? Enter my giveaway!
3 ways to enter:
3. Tell me your favorite summer drink (alcoholic or virgin)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Good luck!
The giveaway closes Friday at 12pm!