>Get er done



Yesterday was a pretty dece day. I planned to wake early to get in an early morning run, buuuut there was no way I could drag myself out of bed. Eventually I woke and dragged myself to the couch to cuddle the pup, then make it to lab for the day. All was well in scienceland.

After labski, I came home and made a light yet filling dinner:

^Salad wraps: Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, tofu, avacado, dried cranberries and drizzled with Goddess dressing.

^There is no other word to describe this dressing other than goddess.

I also wanted something warm so I made split pea soup:

^I added 1/2 tsp cumin plus fresh pepper. It was actually pretty good.

After digesting, I went for a quick 3-milerTo Virginia and back. Funny how I can stay that and it’s actually true. PS…I need to run with my camera next time. Night running in the District is beyond beautiful.

This morning I craved sleep more than the treadmill and it felt good. Waiting for the metro I snapped this pic:

^Note: Capri pants are not the same as skinny jeans tucked into boots 😉

Anywhoooo, any weekend plans yet???

I have a lotttt to get done this weekend. My list, in no particular order includes:

1. (Friday) Happy hour after scienceland
2. Sat labski (8 hr exp) for the day intermixed with 1 hr cycling class
3. Fix reading glasses to complete #4
4. Read lotsa sciency papers (about IL-15 activation of natural killer cells, for the sciency folks out there, ha)
5. Finish unpacking room to make room for the manfriend (!)
6. Mall with roomie
7. Saturday night…TBD..???
8. Run a 7.5 miler on Sunday (10 mile race on the 30th…wooooot)
9. Get some sleep (!)
10. Reconnect with Sir DVR
Laundry out the ying yang

I like to make to-do lists on Thursday because Friday is generally hectic.

>>Ques: Do you make lists??? If so, do you find them helpful or stressful???

Talk soon,
