
>Last weekend I travelled home to New Hampshire to celebrate my future sister-in-law’s graduation from UNH Nursing School! I am beyond proud of her for a couple of reasons..

1) She graduated with honors
2) UNH nursing program is very hard to get accepted into
3) She has a great job lined up

and most importantly….

4) She did it all while raising my beautiful niece. For those of you that don’t know, I have a 5-year-old sunshine in my life, Morgan Therese. My bother and his fiance got pregnant very young (17 and 18) and stayed together, went to college, and now that Morgan is 5, they are engaged! They are fantastic parents and I couldn’t be more proud of my future sister-in-law! At her celebration lunch, it was so cute to hear Morgan walk around to random people saying “My mommy is so smart she is now a nurse and going to take care of sick people”. Adorable!!!

The weekend was amazing and this little man also flew home for the celebration…

I didn’t take too many pictures, sorry. Somehow only pics of salads and tequila seemed worthy.
Summer mix salad with grilled chicken from the Silver Diner (Baltimore airport). 
If you ever end up at that airport, eat there!!!! Most foods are all-natural and all of their meat is antibiotic-free.
And a Whole Foods salad beast…

Oh, our flight was delayed 1.5 hours. Therefore,  [a couple of] Skinny Margaritas were in order!
Patron silver, tiiiiny splash of triple sec, juice from 3-4 lime wedges, and a teeny tiny splash of OJ

How did you spend your weekend?

Do you have a certain family member that you are exceptionally proud of?

>Simple n’ sweet


Are you listening? (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
Sing it back. (Ah,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
So tell me what do I need (tell me what do I need, uh oh, uh oh)
When words lose their meaning (When words lose their meaning)
I was spinning free (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
with a little sweet and simple numbing me
Yeah, stumble til you crawl (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
Sinking into sweet uncertainty
(Jimmy Eat World, Sweetness)
The song reminded me of the title. That is all.
* * *
Look what’s in bloom over our back deck!!

Sun may not be out much, but they’re still perdy!

Oh, haaaay! I need a haircut. Mmmm, k?
(FYI Washingtonians, peak bloom is Tues – Sat. Get out there!)

This morning I enjoyed a simple and sweet breakfast
(Oats, chia seeds, banana, blueberries, tsp almond butter, tsp honey)

But c’mon, wouldn’t you rather hear about a simple-r and sweet-er skinny margarita I recently made?  It’s almost summer, y’alllll! Tons of calories and sugar and no excuse to give up the occasional Rita….Just make a skinny version. Duh!

Skinny (all-natural) Strawberry Margarita (on the rocks)
1-2 oz clear tequila (1-2 shots)
~0.5 oz triple sec (1/4 shot). I prefer this all-natural brand
3-4 frozen strawberries, thawed in microwave til soft
juice from 1/4 lime
stevia to taste (I like 1/2 – 1 serving)

Combine ingredients & shake, shake, shake!

Or you can use strawberries and mangoes and add a little extra fruit..
(Raspberry + pineapple is also pretty fantastic)

 * * *

In less fun news, the Manfriend is sickkk. He had a little ER trip after the race (infected wound) and ended up with a fever, and a lot of wound draining. Delicious, right? Glad I told you this between food pictures? Makes you want to eat my recipes even more I bet, ha!

I’ve been a good little nurse girlfriend and making him vitamin-packed smoothies on call

vanilla protein powder (Sunwarrior brand)
1/2 banana
fresh spinach
coconut water (electrolytes!)
splash orange juice
tsp spirulina
almond butta (promotes absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
And the usual [cutsie] vitamins..
(Clearly I bought these babies. And I’m 5 years old)
Oh, and one more thing…
I made [Protein] BALLS!
1) I was inspired by Gina’s amazeballs
2) I’m sick of spending $3 per store-bough protein bar 
3) I need a quick high protein/healthy carb snack between lunch and dinner when I’m at werkk
Blueberry Vanilla Protein Ballz:
1/2 cup oats
2 scoops vanilla protein powder (or 4 SunWarrior baby scoops)
2 T nut butter of choice (I used PB)
1/4 cup thawed and mashed blueberries
1 T chia seeds
stevia, 2 servings
sea salt, 2 pinches
water to moisten (approx. 1/3 cup)

Combine and roll into approx. 5 balls, adjusting water amount as necessary. Chill in fridge overnight (or at least 1 hr)

*Note: The pictures above were taken before chilling in fridge overnight. They should be intact and slightly wet/slimy looking. The oats/seeds will soak up remaining liquid and balls will harden (twss) to protein-bar thickness. 
* * *
Are you a margarita lover like me?
If not, what the heck is wrong with you? jk 😉
What’s your favorite summa-time drink?

>Holiday cocktails

>Here’s a holiday drink created by the Manfriend…

Vodka, Kahlua, light Eggnog, ice, nutmeg. Graham cracker rim. 

Another holiday favorite..

splash cranberry juice

Oh, I completely forgot to post a picture of our massive tree! Since we’re all working over Christmas (unfortunately hospitals are still open on holidays, heh), we figured it’s go big, or go home!

Pic doesn’t do justice on it’s size
* * *

After a long day (errands, gym, then work 3-11:30pm), I made a snack plate of veggies, hummus, turkey slices, and cottage cheese then prepared a beverage because although I had to work, it’s still Friday night, right?

Skinny Margarita
2 oz clear tequila
1/2 oz triple sec
 ~3 lime wedges
dash stevia
splash soda water
splash OJ
* * * 

Alright I’m headed to bed, it’s been a long day. Have a fabulous weekend!

Question: What’s your favorite holiday cocktail? 

>[Healthified] Mexican & margaritas…. and a klutz.

>Happy Saturday! Did you check out my Whole Foods Giveaway??! Well I’m off until from work until Tuesday and it feels good. I’ve been working so much lately that this nice little break is definitely welcomed with open arms. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but being on your feet for 12+ hours per shift is tiring!

Yesterday was also a lovely day off. I woke to a hearty bowl of Blueberry Muffin Oats, caffeinated then headed to the gym for a solo spinning sesh. Not feeling cardio-happy, I opted for a BodyPump-inspired total body weights sesh. I’ve been neglecting the weights lately so it felt good to squeeze it in.
For lunch I made an oldie (for some) but a goodie. Faux Mac N Cheese, or savory oats as it’s called.
1/2 cup cooked oats
1 light Laughing Cow cheese wedge
1/4 cup frozen spinach, warmed
3 T nutritional yeast (to read health benefits click here)
1/2 cup egg whites (cooked separately on stove top)
pinch sea salt, black pepper
Combine + stir well
Optional: Drizzle with hot sauce
Great comfort food AND it’s healthy!

Later in the day the Manfriend surprised me with a picnic-ish date to watch the sunset sun go down over the river.

He packed vino (Petite Syrah, my favorite)

His and Hers chocolate (dark for me)

And we sipped, chatted, laughed until the sun set

All was perfect until I spilled my perfect glass of wine

It was still a perfect date ❤ 

After wine & chocolate we headed to my friend Alyson’s apartment for a Mexican and margarita dinner party. I made a healthy (yogurt based) chipotle dip and the (skinny/all natural) margaritas. Although there were already several people over before we arrived Alyson waited for me to make the drinks. How nice! haha

Silver tequila, tiny splash triple sec, fresh lime juice, tiiiny splash OJ, agave.

Somehow I ended up cooking the majority of the meal as well! It didn’t bother me though, I love dinner parties!

I cooked the meat and sauteed veggies.

Organic lean ground turkey

Organic chicken breasts

Meat seasoning:
EVOO (2 T)
Salsa (1/4 cup)
Chili powder (2 T)
Cumin (1/2 t)
sea salt/pepper
squeeze lime juice

My plate! Chicken, turkey, tomatoes, guac, Spanish rice, veggies, & dressing

It was a great night 🙂

Have a great day! Don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods Gift Certificate Giveaway

>Go green AND lean!

>Hiii lovelies,

HAPPY SUNDAY! Hope your weekend was delightful 🙂

This morning I woke after TWELVE hours of sleep (!) and ventured to the gym for a spinning class since it’s SO HOT AND HUMID here in DC. I can’t understand how so many people run when it’s 85+ degrees in the beaming sun. Props to you if you can do this but me, I’d rather wait til the sun sets 🙂

Pre-gym I fueled with a delish GREEN MONSTER!

^Vanilla whey, frozen berries, 2 handfuls spinach, H20, stevia, 1/2 frozen nanner

And enjoyed it on our lovely new deck 🙂

So this morning I WENT GREED AND BURNED MAJOR CALORIES at the same time. How did I do this?

My gym recently renovated it’s spinning room and converted all spinning bikes to ones that HAVE GENERATORS attached. The longer/harder you spin, the more ENERGY GENERATED FOR THE GYM.

Here’s a pic of the bike. You can see the generator on the bottom right-side of the bike:

How cool!!!!!

After class, I stopped at Sbucks for an iced coffee (+ soy) and made this yummy egg concoction:

^Scrambled egg whites + spinach. Topped with Nutritional Yeast and hot sauce.

And not just any hot sauce….

^I’m OBSESSED with this stuff! Have you tried it???

Well I’m off to shop a bit with my sister then possibly hit the pool since it’s soooo HAAAWWWWTTT out!


Q: What was the best part of your weekend?? Mine was happy hour on the Waterfront on Friday. Nothing like a delish skinny margarita in the sun 🙂

Q2: Who’s watching Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami tonight?????



>HOWWWDYYY HOOOO!!!!! Happy Friday, y’alllll!!!!

Whatcha doing this weekend? My No. 1 priority is finishing my Master’s Thesis. A few exciting things coming up in my neck of the woods..

1) Graduation parties
2) Monday is my LAST day in Scienceland
3) My nursing assistant course starts on Tuesday (I’m doing this to get patient care hours required for the Physician Assistant (PA) program I’m applying to)
4) The weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS!!!

What’s on YOUR LIST???

Really sorry I’ve been MIA lately, I’m SUPA busy finishing up in lab, getting ready for my big career change, moving to a new apartment, aaaaaand coordinating last min details of a bachelorette party I’m hosting! Exhausting, right?!

This post is going to be quick and RANDOM, because my photo taking has been pretty scarce lately.

RANDOM ITEM #1: A new purchase

^The Blender Bottle (I picked mine up at Whole Foods)

The night before I add:

– 1 scoop protein powder
– Frozen fruit
– Dash stevia
– 1 tsp flax seed oil (to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
– 1/2 tsp xanthan gum (for extra thickness)

The reasons I prepare my smoothie the night before are:

1) To save time in the AM
2) To give the fruit time to thaw and become mush so it can be easily whisked

When I’m ready to have it, I’ll add ~1 cup cold water, SHAKE, then throw in some ice cubes.

The RESULT? Pretty good considering no blender required. Don’t get me wrong, it’s doesn’t whip up one like my magic bullet does..

But it’s a good 2nd choice for when you’re on-the-run. HAVE YOU TRIED ONE???

RANDOM ITEM #2: p90x

I’ve had these DVDs for some time now, but have done workouts other than Shoulders and Arms and yoga. Kelsey (sistah) and I did the PLYOMETRICS DVD last night, and let me tell you – it KICKED OUR BUTTS! It was sooo fun though! A nice cardio break from running and spinning 🙂

Kels post workout:


RANDOM ITEM #3: All natural margaritas

You knowwww I LOVE me some tequila, but I’ve always questioned what’s in that supa thick triple sec I add to them to make the perfect skinny margarita. Until now…


That paired nicely last night with Sir Patron:


RANDOM ITEM #4: Old pics

Attempting to clean my room in anticipation of our move, I came across these pics from college:

^Flip cup!

^Check out my SWEET highlights! LOL

^Me posing with my BFF Alyson (redhead) and old roomie Julie

TOO FUNNY! Can’t believe how YOUNG we look. Seems like yesterday that I was in undergrad!

Well I’m gonna get back to thesis writing (you can imagine how much fun that is!)

QUESTION: What are you MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO this weekend????



>Alright Funk, enough already.

>Hiiiii everyone!!!

I’M BACKKKKK!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sweet comments on my last post! Y’all really made my day!!!! It’s seriously such a wonderful and supportive community in Bloggerland. I LOVE IT!!!

I am going to dedicate this post to what I tend to do when in a poopy mood, and what I DID to get me out of this terrible FUNK! We all have bad days, weeks, etc. and after all of the tears are gone, ya gotta pick yourself up. How do you do this????

For me, the last few days have been spent doing things that bring a smile to my face. Such as:

Spending time with close friends:

^Ally and I post-crawfish boil (details to come! Twas awesome!!)

Doing insanely sweat-provoking and endorphin-pumping workouts:

^Spinning kicks my arse every time. Seriously check out that SWEAT!

Splurging on nourishing meals (how I justify redic overpriced salads):

Making an (un)necessary trip to Tar-jay — just cause:

^Nothing like new workout and summer clothes to lift your spirit 😉

Letting your significant other take you on a fancy dinner date (like I’d ever say NO!):

^Rare seared Ahi Tuna

^Scallops over risotto

^Split this perfect concoction with the Manfriend (chocolate tart and ice cream over a caramelized banana)

Lounging in the sun by the Waterfront:

And staying til the sun goes down (and then some) for a riverside dinner:

^Sequoia at the Georgetown Waterfront

^Ahi tuna and avocado app

^Grilled salmon

And HAPPILY making some treats out of the INCREDIBLE GENEROUS package POM Wonderful sent me! Thank you again!!

^Shameless promotion (Manfriend’s friend Will on L, MF on R) of Blended POM Margaritas (clear tequila, splash triple sec, 1 tsp agave, splash fresh lime juice, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, ice. Blended = Magic)

^POM margarita on the rocks (clear tequila, splash triple sec, splash POM juice, fresh lime juice, dash stevia, ice)

^POM protein smoothies (1 scoop vanilla whey, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/2 frozen banana, splash POM juice, dash stevia, 1 tsp flax seed oil, ice, H20)….FANTASTIC!!!

And running your favorite and most scenic running routes. AND stopping at those that give you that aaaah feeling:

Let me know WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!!!!! I’ll be back later today for a post about to the cause of my funk…and some other recent adventures 🙂

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!



>100th post, MamaDukes visits, half marathon, and rough times

>Holy heck, this is my 100th post!!! Where has time gone?? Thank you to everyone that reads and comments on my little blog. It really means the world to me. Please feel free to say hi if you haven’t commented before. I’d love to meet ya 😉

I hope everyone had a dandy weekend! Mine was amazing and scary at the same time. I will share the amazing part first..

As I told ya, Mamadukes was visiting the District! We spent the weekend shopping, eating some delish food, and running a HALF MARATHON! I’ve always wanted to run one with her (at her speed so we could do it together) so I surprised her by waiting at mile marker 2. Since she was recovering from pneumonia only 2 weeks ago her lung capacity is not all there. We decided to do a walk/run and let me tell you….WALKING IS HARD!!! My back is STILL SORE! I can totally understand how people that spend hours on their feet have sore backs! OUCH!!

^Expo madness.
Scored some goodies

^Pic taken at 4:45am…The time I needed to wake for the 6:30am race! Note to self: When signing up for before-dawn race, be sure it’s not 45 mins away!!

^Not in the district anymore. Course was gorg. Rolling hills among beautiful farmland

Some eats from the weekend:

^Spiralized raw zucchini with tomatoes, diced tofu, cherry tomatoes, steamed broccoli and asparagus, peanuts, and Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette. This is definitely one of my favorite meals!!! So quick, easy, and delish!!

^The only thing better than Coconut water after a redic sweat sesh is FREE coconut water! After a KICK-ARSE kickboxing class my gym was giving out these babies! Did you know that for 60 calories, coconut has more electrolytes than sports water and more potassium than 2 bananas?!

^Supa thick smoothie: 1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein, 1/2 frozen banana, handful berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), 1/2 cup spinach, h20, stevia, 1 tsp flax seed oil, 1 tsp xanthan gum

^Trader Joe’s Chicken Vindaloo (sold in freezer aisle)…SO GOOD!!!

^One of my favorite warm weather meals! Diced apple, Kashi puffs, Trader Joe’s High Fiber cereal, lotsa cinnamon, almond milk. Yeeeee-UM.

^And SNACKS GALORE to accompany movies and good wine

^And of course I took MamaDukes to 2 Amy’s!!! Gotta carb load for the 1/2 marathon, right??? 😉 For you DCers, this is a must visit. Ranked in the TOP 10 BEST PIZZA in the US!

After the half marathon, I showed her around Capitol Hill and Eastern Market. I LOOOOVE Eastern Market. Why don’t I go more often??? They have the best furniture, pictures, jewelry, antiques, etc. etc. etc. and not to mention THE BEST FARMERS MARKET!

Feeling ravished from the half and shopping in the sun, we devoured a fantastic lunch:

^AMAZING fresh bread, turkey, swiss, lettuce, tomato, avocado

^Sauvignon blanc (Ice in mine, classssaaaay I know)

^Bowl of gazpacho that went too fast for a pic!

To escape the sun we ventured to my favorite store:

^Ahhhh. There is something about the smell of new books. I could live in that store.

To end the weekend, I took MamaSkeff to my favorite summatime spot…

The Georgetown Waterfront!!! LOVE THIS PLACE!

^I sipped an au natural margarita (clear tequila, splash triple sec, fresh lime juice, agave)

^And feasted on this glorious ahi tuna salad. Sorry for the picture quality! Sun was so darn bright!! Pictured: Romaine, tomatoes, red onions, avocado, peppers, raw ahi tuna, sesame dressing, and WHITE CHOCOLATE pieces. So good!!!

And now, the scary part…

^Need these. Flowers always brighten my day. Do you buy them when you’re feeling blue??

I have been keeping something secret from you (and most of my family/friends) for quite some time now. This is not because I don’t love y’all, but the blog/Internet world is not as small as we’d like to think. I promise to tell you more later in the week, but for now please know that if I’m not blogging, commenting on your blog, etc. it’s because I am going through a rough patch right now. I’m sorry to be so vague but I will fill you in very soon.

Thanks for your understanding. I love you all!


>Go green, or go home

>Hiiiii hooo,

Happy humpidy humpy day! It’s a little chilly here in the District. But it’s supposed to be near 90 degrees this weekend 😎 Wooooo!

So I’ve gotta tell ya that I’ve taken my second BodyPump class and 1) I’m obsessed! and 2) I’m soooo sore!!! I took the class Monday afternoon and my triceps are still killlllling me. It.hurts.so.good.

Post-workout breakfast:

^1/4 oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 2 tbsp egg white, and 3/4 cup H20 soaked overnight. Then microwaved and added 1/2 diced nanner, 1/2 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein powder, raisins, stevia, dash sea salt, 1 tsp. Better N’ Peanut Butter. Just as GOOD EVERY TIME.

I mentioned I was taking a spinning class but since my BodyPump class was so hard I decided some lighter cardio would be better and took a Cardio Kickbox class instead….BOY WAS I WRONG!!! The class was unbelievably challenging for a kickbox class! I’m definitely going again. The teacher and music was awesome and the 60 mins flew by!

Would have been a killer even for Billy..


After that grueling sesh I came home and made an AMAZING THAI DISH! Omg, if you have a Trader Joe’s near you try their Red Thai Curry sauce…SO GOOD!

^I boliled 1 diced eggplant until soft then drained and added rest of veggies (edemame, broccoli, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, corn, peas, green beans), frozen shrimp, and Thai sauce. Cooked until veggies and shrimp thawed. So quick & easy…And DELISH!

The mashed eggplant made the sauce supa thick:

Yesterday I woke early and had the same breakfast above….AGAIN. Seriously, can’t get enough. Warms ma soul.

I had a verrrrry busy day in the Land of Science and needed to destress when the day was ova. Remedy: Kick arse 60-min spinning class. Def did the trick.

After class I hurried home and made TACO SALAD and MARGARITAS (duh) for the roomies and my friend Ally:

^Romaine, tomatoes, ground turkey (cooked in TJ’s taco seasoning), beans, corn, salsa, red-fat Mexican cheese blend, and Spicy Flax seed chips. The BEST PART of this meal is the creamy dressing. I make it with FF Greek Yogurt, chipotle salsa, red chili powder, and cumin. So.freakin.good.

And we clearly had to have

^Skinny margarita: clear tequila, splash triple sec, splash OJ, fresh lime juice, dash stevia. YEEEE—UMM!

WHY THE dinner and drinks on a TUESDAY??? Well it was the premiere of The HILLS and THE CITY, of course. Honestly, the only thing entertaining about the Hills, in my opinion, was watching Franken-Heidi..

This morning I woke, eyes glued shut, and managed to drag myself out of the apartment. Knowing I’d pick up Cosi coffee and devour the new US Weekly on my commute
made my trip a little easier:

^Breakfast blend + steamed soy. Ahhhh.

Nothing like preparing yourself for a full day of Experiments with caffeine and celebrities.

Last night I was reading the lovely Kailey‘s blog and she asked what motivators we surround ourselves with (positive words, quotes, etc.) This morning while getting my morning coffee I came across these mugs from Starbucks:

^Kailey doll, these are for you.

In other more random news, I have been eyeing this bag of Doritos in our vending machine for quite some time now. Not because they look particularly delicious or nutritious, but because I’m curious of the obvious question…


Do they REALLY taste like cheeseburgers? And the verdict….YES. Not in a fresh off the grill kinda way, but a MickyD’s kinda way. It’s weird, I know. One taste was good enough for me.

In older news, MARCH was National Nutrition Month!

Why our lab received these pamphlets today is beyond me, but flipping through they offered some
good info:

Some helpful
ways to Go “Green”:

Add frozen spinach to your scrambled eggs
Start your dinner with a green salad. When preparing it, cut up extra and pack the next day’s lunch
Serve chili, pasta, or rice in a broiled tomato, a steamed pepper or half a roasted acorn squash
Add chopped kale to thicken any soup or stew
– Try adding shredded carrots or zucchini to muffins and breads

Aiiiight, I’m getting back to ma Experiment.

Have a lovely day dolls!!

QUESTION: Who else is counting down til the SEX AND THE CITY 2 MOVIE???



>Three F’s and some sun

>Hiii loves,

Sorry it’s been so long! The weather has just been so darn nice! To those that celebrate Easter, did you have a nice one? Easter brunch is the best 🙂

My weekend can pretty much be split up into 4 genres: Friends, food, fitness, and…SUN!


^Mexican and margaritas (DCers, you MUST try this place! So healthy/fresh and outta this world fish tacos!)

^Skinny margarita (tequila, splash triple sec, juice from 5-6 lime wedges)

^Roof deck bars


^DELIVERY (yes, one of the best inventions yet) Sushi! (Salmon sashimi and salmon and avocado roll)

^Edamame and miso soup

^ Salad monster (Romaine, tomato, cucumber, avocado, organic chicken, strawberries, grapes, sunflower seeds, TJ’s Goddess Dressing.

^Another salad monster (Romaine, tomatoes, egg whites, carrots, crasins, TJ’s red pepper hummus (hummus as salad dressing is SO GOOD! Thank you, Kailey!), nutritional yeast, and Mary’s crack.

^Scrambled egg whites/spinach on top of Ezekiel bread

^I CAVED!!! I used to be obsessed with these! Is it healthy? Heck no. Was it delicious? Um…YES. Do I feel guilty? Not at all, I believe in treating myself once in a while.

^Chia oats (oats, chia, nanner, Cinnamon Raisin swirl PB, stevia, vanilla SunWarrior protein, raisins, dash sea salt = current fav combo)

^Chia pudding (chia, h20, unsweetened cacao, agave, dash sea salt. Chilled to “gel” then warmed and topped with vanilla fro-yo). SO GOOD!!!

^Diced Honeycrisp apple with Kashi puffs, Kashi Go Lean, cinnamon, and almond milk

^Quinoa, organic chicken (marinated in soy sauce, balsamic, garlic, and worcheshire), egg whites, peas, corn, green beans, spinach. This is the MANFRIEND’s recipe! 🙂

^Kale chips (Rubbed in pineapple/mango salsa, red chili powder, cumin, pepper, sea salt) Tip: Go light on the spices. A little goes a long way!)

^Baked then broiled sweet potato topped with WF’s Mahi Mahi burger, avocado, kale chips, pineapple/mango salsa. Pretty darn good!! 😉


^Running at night in SHORTS!

^View on bridge looking over Potomac River at Kennedy Center (R) and Washington Monument (center)


^Chillin in a park with the pup

^Sorry if my Casper legs are blinding you! ha

^Kels (sis) and Michael (pup)

Hope you all had a great weekend and start to your week!!!

QUESTION: What’s the first thing you want to do when it’s fiiiiinally warm out?? For me, it’s reading a good book in the sun 😎

