>You cannnn dooooo itttttt

>I loved reading your comments and e-mails from yesterday’s post on my switch to Clean Eating. One comment in particular definitely needs clarification:

I‘m definitely intrigued. Do you ever allow yourself “non-clean” treats? For example, if you really want to meet friends for cupcakes at Sprinkles or Georgetown Cupcake, would you do it? I’m just curious because I feel like I generally eat clean (at home I eat very clean and feel great!), but occasionally when I’m out or with friends, it’s hard to stick to it, and it feels good to indulge. What do you think?

I am definitely not perfect! I truly believe Clean Eating is one of the best (and easiest!) things we can do for ourselves in life but I also believe in living your life: going out to restaurants with friends, eating your grandma’s homemade spaghetti n’ meatballs,  sipping [skinny] margaritas on girls’ nights, etc.

I aim to eat clean when I can (that is about 90% of the time) and leave about 10% for fun. I am human, you know 😉

I think so many people forget that a healthy lifestyle (among other things in life) is not an “all or nothing approach. If you eat clean 50% of the time it’s better than 0%, if you can shoot for 80% that’s even better, etc. Make small changes and over time you’ll realize you’re getting closer and closer to 90-100%.

I took a picture of last night’s dinner to show you how easy going clean is. Enter our (our = me, manfriend, sister) all-time favorite dinner..

Turkey meatloaf, sweet potato fries, salad, and red sangria!

 Ingredients (using an all natural version of each)

Meatloaf (recipe here)
1 pack lean ground turkey breast 
rolled oats
Worcestershire sauce
ketchup (Hunt’s all-natural version in the background, haha)
tomato/veggie juice (V8)
sea salt
yellow onion
1 egg

Sweet potato fries (recipe here)
sweet potatoes
olive oil
sea salt 
black pepper

1:1 mix of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar

Sangria (recipe here)
Red wine (I try to choose those without added sulfates when I can)
all-natural triple sec
lime juice
OJ (or fresh squeezed oranges)
frozen fruit

You cannnnn dooooo ittttt! Once you’ve cleaned out your fridge/cabinets and replaced commonly used items such as balsamic vinegar, salad dressings, citrus juice, ketchup, you don’t even have to think about how to make the meal clean!  

Make the switch already. Mmmm K?

* * *

Whelp, the last several days I’ve been incredibly busy. I flew home to New Hampshire for Easter, returned to work several long shifts in a row, and I’m applying to Physician Assistant programs. Therefore, my meals have been quick, fresh, and nutrient dense to keep me going!

2 refreshing breakfasts consumed lately…

Smoothie Bowl 
(a smoothie so thick it’s better eaten with a spoon)

1/2 frozen banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
3-4 frozen strawberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand, yo!)
1 T raw almond butter
1/2 c almond milk
1/2 c h20
1 t xanthan gum (optional; to thicken)
stevia, 1 serving
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)

Blended and topped with a Magical Biscotti..

(I don’t know how they do it, but these babies are all-natural and 20 calories per biscotti. Whatttt?!
Raw Smoothie Dough Boy  (adapted from KERF’s recipe)
 Combined and soaked overnight
1/3 c raw oat groats (can substitute for regular rolled oats)
1/2 c almond milk
1 /2 c water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (raw SunWarrior for meee)
pinch cinnamon, nutmeg
1 t xanthan gum (optional; to thicken)
stevia, 1 serving
pinch sea salt

Next morning, add mixture and following to food processor:
1/2  frozen banana
3-4 frozen strawberries
1/3 c frozen bananas
Speaking of mornings, guess who’s successfully downgraded from two venti (large) coffees to ONE SMALL per day??
(Kids, it can be done)

Spring = heat = Return of KOMBUCHA!!!!

Which pairs nicely with a fresh salad + side of sun and outdoor deck..

1 serving Tempeh
baby carrots
garbanzo beans
raw cashews
sunflower seeds
(dressed in a 1:1 mixture of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar) <–My favorite dressing ever! 
* * *

Alright, it’s crunch time. Today’s agenda:
– Run (in the rain!)
– Essay writing
– Work 3-12am

(Sooooo excited to get moving)

Have a great day!

What small changes have you made to your diet to go Clean?

Any advice you can offer someone completely new to Clean Eating?

How badly do I need a tan? 😉 

>The hostess with the mostest

>I kid, I kid. But last night I did host a shebang for 25+ health nuts food bloggers. I asked guests to bring a bottle of wine (covered, to allow for a blind tasting) either red or white depending on birth months. I provided pens and small white labels so we could (try to) guess the type of wine after tasting.

(Image of maaaybe 1/3 of the vino)
And where there are foodies…
You can find lots of FOOD! 
Everyone brought such amazing dishes! Guess that’s to be expected tho 😉 
I supplied a variety of healthy treats…
(Each labeled to let those with allergies know what’s up)
Spiralized raw zucchini with carrots, sea-salted peanuts, & Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette
“Real Food” Brownies 
(Made of dates and chickpeas. No flour!)
(adapted from Jonny Bowden’s Healthiest Meals on Earth)

Combine and blend in food processor 
(or blender in my case, because mine broke! ha)
1 1/4 cup pitted dates, soaked in boiling water for 5 mins, drained
1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
4 eggs
1/4 cup almond oil
9 T cacao powder
1/2 t baking powder
1 t cinnamon
stevia (equal to 6 servings)
Bake at 350F for 35 mins
 They were made the night before and were still incredibly moist and gooey.
Veggie platter

Protein-packed Ranch dip 
2 cups fat-free cottage cheese
4 T light ranch dressing
1/4 t garlic powder
1/4 t parsley
1/2 t dill
(Trader Joe’s brand, garnished with paprika)
Fruit bowl
Chopping fruit yourself lets you hand select which fruits make the cut. Most packaged ones have too much honeydew melon, in my opinion. Ick.
Garlic-stuffed olives
(also TJ’s brand)
And plenty of snacks…

(pineapple salsa)

And where there’s wine…

 (There’s gotta be dark chocolate!)

It was great to see some old faces and meet lots of new ones..

But one guy seemed to steal all of the attention..


* * *

After most people left this somehow happened…

And we hit the town for a couple of hours with our dancing feet….

* * *
All in all, I think my first [large] dinner/wine party was a success!
Here are my tips of how to throw a fab (and healthy!) get together:
Wine over liquor. Cost effective, more antioxidants, and safer for those driving. Skinny sangria is always fun a hit as well.
Offer plenty of no-calorie hydration (i.e. soda water, and bottled)
Stick with the basics as a host/hostess to accommodate varieties in taste buds, allergies, etc. (Fruit, veggies, salads healthy dips, pita/hummus, dark chocolate bars, and if you have time try your hand at a guilt-free dessert. Your quests will thank you as they have tons of energy to chat up a storm and aren’t sunken into the couch in a food coma).
Serve all food in dishes rather than original containers. I know it’s an extra dirty dish, but simple store-bought hummus garnished with your favorite spice can look quite spectacular.
Offer a few vegan and gluten-free options. Everyone will eat these even if no one ends up requiring them so it’s a win-win situation for all.
If guests offer to bring food, ask them to bring their favorite/unique appetizer. This way all the basic food groups are already covered (by you) and guests can also enjoy new and delicious treats.

~ Have you ever hosted a large wine/dinner party? ~

*Special thanks to Jill, Lauren, Jenna, Chase, Suzanne, Katie, Emily, Amanda, Lisa, Danielle, Sana, Erin, Sarah, Paige, Sara, and Alex for attending!*