>On the fly

>Well, I can’t get enough of my crock pot. Specifically, those apple n’ cinnamon oats. If you’re going to wake up early on a cold winter morning, it might as well be to an home filled with the scent of apples and cinnamon and a belly full of warm deliciousness. Nothing makes my lazy self happier than breakfast prepared ahead of time. Evidence here and here.

Last night into the slow cooker went…

(Click here for the easy peasy recipe)

Stomach is happy. 

* * *

Whelp, tonight is my 3rd PM shift in a row before a [highly anticipated/needed] day off. My life has been like this:

– Wake around 10am
– Eat breakfast, have coffee, read news
– Quick lunch
– Pack dinner
– Work 3pm – 12am
– Showered and in bed by ~2am

So needless to say, meals have had to be prepped quick!

A good quick lunch (especially post-workout) is a protein smoothie. Yesterday I made this filling and nutritious one..

Chocolate covered Raspberry
In the mix:
I.5 scoops chocolate SunWarrior protein
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
hand full fresh spinach
1 T almond butter
stevia (1 serving)
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)
almond milk
raw cacao nibs to garnish (*optional)
*Note: SunWarrior protein is the same price as all other store-bought proteins. It costs ~ $46 per bag but has 47 servings. So cost per serving is the same (or even cheaper!)
An extremely quick dinner (but still so good!)…
Veggie burger taco salad 
(30g protein!)
2 Morningstar Black Bean burgers (microwaved then toasted)
iceberg lettuce 
diced tomatoes 
blob fat-free Greek yogurt (tastes like sour cream) 
cumin/chili powder sprinkled all ova

* * *

Alright, it’s about time to get my workout in. I planned on a Bikram yoga class but it’s naaasty outside. It’s looking like a Jillian Michaels kinda day.

*Do you have any suggestions for packed dinners? I’m getting sick of soups and salads..*

>So much pot

>Crock pot, kids. Last week I posted that crock pots (aka slow cookers) intimidate me. After some experimenting, I’m convinced they are actually the easiest way to pretend you’re a fabulous cook.

* * *
Enter pot meal #1: Apple n’ cinnamon flax oats
3 cups oats
2 chopped apples

4 cups water
4 cups almond milk (or skim, soy, hemp, rice, etc.)
2 T flax seeds
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
stevia (equal to 6 servings)
sea salt (2 pinches)
Night before: Combine ingredients, set on low, and cook covered for 8 hours

Next morning!
*Next morning: Add more water/milk if it’s too thick. I also added a half scoop of vanilla SunWarrior to my serving for some extra protein (and a tsp of peanut or almond butter) and it was ahhhh-mazing.

*To reheat a day a later: If the oats clump, whisk in some hot water and you’re good to go!

* * *
Pot dish #2: Cajun chicken and veggies
2 chicken breasts, diced
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
1 yellow onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely diced
4 cups veg broth
1 head broccoli, chopped 
2 cups green beans
1 cup carrot sticks (are they called sticks? The tiny ones?)
1 T flax seeds (*optional)
1/2 T Cajun spice 
1/2 t cumin
1 t basil
1/2 – 1 t sea salt
1/2 t black pepper
Combine and cook covered on low for 8 hours

Served with a side of spiced quinoa
Spiced Quinoa
2 cups quinoa
4 cups chicken broth
1 cup H20
1/4 t Cajun spice

* * *
Two fantastic meals. And so incredibly easy. No idea why I was so scared to use ma pot. Stuuupid. 😉 
~Are you a [crock] pot chef? If yes, what do you make?? If not, why the heck not? ~