>Snack attack

>Tggggggggggif, people I’m not working this weekend and I am p-u-m-p-e-d. Saturday we have a lil girls night out planned and I can hardly contain my excitement. Speaking of excitement, I’ve never been so excited to go grocery shopping in my liiiiiiiife. You guessed it, I stiiiil haven’t gone to the dang store. I assure you however, I am still eating. 😉

Thanks for your comments yesterday on how to get this girl to bed earlier. I made it to bed at 2am and not 3. Baby steps, people. Baby steps. Speaking of staying up late, I’m a huuuge late-night snacker. I don’t believe in the “don’t eat after 8 rule” but I do try to keep my snackage to a healthy level (late night greasy pizza doesn’t leave me feeling good the next morning). I like to wake feeling hungry because breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

Some recent late-night snacks..

100-calorie (all-natural) popcorn with cinnamon and stevia
 (Shake popcorn, 1/2 t cinnamon, 1 serving stevia in large freezer bag)
1 cup fat-free Greek yogurt w/ stevia and 1/4 cup GoLean Crunch
Decaf coffee w/ steamed almond milk/soy
 True coffee lover. I’ll even take the decaf ❤

PB2 is a de-fatted peanut flour and when you add water it creates a delicious peanutty spread. 2 tablespoons = 45 calories. Not to shabby. Don’t get me wrong, I still love traditional peanut butter in and add it to many foods as a healthy source of fat, but when you’re in the mood to snack on a massive amount of pb, this stuff is your best friend. I like it for apple/carrot dipping, mixed into oats/yogurt or thickly topped over toast.

Just whisk with water according to directions…

Then spoon back into jar

PB2 over toasted cinnamon-raisin Ezekiel bread
* * *
So you may have guessed it. I feel off the 30-day challenge bandwagon. I think I was a little too ambitious with this one. Especially considering the challenge started right at the beginning of my vacation (not good planning on my end). I aimed to cut out all dairy, artificial dyes/colors/preservatives and only eat organic meat (you can read about my reasoning for the challenge here). Myrtle Beach isn’t the healthiest place on Earth, so if presented with Greek yogurt or sugar-loaded granola bar, I opted for the protein-packed dairy. 
So where do I go from here? I’m not quitting the challenge just making small changes. I’ve decided to challenge myself to eat clean (still nothing artificial) but allow myself organic dairy (not cheese! since that’s what really bothers my stomach) and then assess my migraine situation after the 30-days. If my headaches calm down a bit from the clean eating, I don’t see why I can’t keep my beloved Greek yogurt in my life. We shall see.
* * *
OK kids, have a great rest of your Friday! Stay tuned (tomorrow) for a heavy post  on emotional and disordered eating.

What are your favorite late-night snacks?

Do you believe in the “Don’t eat after 8 rule?”

Ever quit/modified a food challenge/detox?

*Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!! I’m choosing a random winner (tomorrow) Saturday evening!*