>Bring on the heat

>I was supposed to work 7am – 7:30pm tonight (what we hospital folks call the “A” shift). However, at 3:30pm something magical happened. The Sun Gods were in my favor (we were actually overstaffed) and I got to leave early!!! Hence, posting after 11pm….you bet I wasn’t anywhere near a computer!

Speaking of sun, we’ve started a lil garden!
 (Cutie starter plants)

As you can see, I was hard at work…

(What? I just had killah workout. Aaaaand my socks never match.)
How CUTE is Michael??? He also lurrrrves sunning himself on the deck.
* * *
So the other day when I said the Protein-Oats & Banana Fro-yo Parfait was so good I might have it again for lunch….
Well, I did!
(This time omitting the strawberries and blending an extra banana. Recipe here
This morning, I woke knowing it was going to be a gorgeous day. Welllll, I knew this because I was up at 5:30am and it was warm out. Can-not-wait-for-summer!
I will surely be drinking more of these babies!
Blueberry Muffin Protein Smoothie
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
hand full fresh spinach
1 t spirulina (optional; a probiotic algae)
1/4 t cinnamon
1/2 t vanilla extract (make sure it’s all-natural)
stevia, 1 serving
1/2 t xanthan gum (optional; to thicken)
almond milk

And fresh juice!
Juice playaz
1 cucumber
2 ribs celery
romaine lettuce
1 kiwi
1 green apple
*A little goes a long way!
One final dish that’s made it’s way into our kitchen a few times recently…
This schmorgishborg of freshness!!
butternut squash, medium sized
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1/4 red onion, diced
yellow pepper, diced
orange pepper, diced
2 cloves garlic, finely diced
garbanzo beans; 1 can, rinsed
black beans; 1 can, rinsed
fresh cilantro 2+ finely chopped (
1/2 lime
olive oil, 2 T
1 T, balsamic vinegar
sea salt, pepper
1. Boil whole squash until soft (~40 mins), let cool and cube (or buy cubed – much quicker!)
2. Lightly spray squash with evoo, dust with sea salt, and pepper and bake at 425F until browned (~30 mins, flipping once)
(While squash roasts)
1. Combine all ingredients in large bowl
2. Add roasted squash 
3. Sea salt pepper to taste 
4. Mix well with hands

 Serve immediately to enjoy the hot/cold combo or store in fridge until cooled.

* * *
What are you MOST looking forward to eating/drinking this summer?

Do you garden? Herb gardens count!

How cute is Michael? 😉