>Spring sickness

>Well I’m officially under the weather. Who doesn’t get a cold all winter then manages to get one in May? This girl!

In an effort to kick it in the butt asap, I’ve been drinking tons of water and eating very nutrient dense foods. Here’s a recent bfast that’s both healthy and delicious.

Chocolate-covered Strawberry Oatmeal & FroYo Parfait (protein-packed!)

I loved this combo! Recipe here, just substitute chocolate protein instead of vanilla and omit the vanilla extract.

On the hydration front, I’ve consumed about 10L (in the last 2 days, not kidding) of this stuff. It seems to work for Jennifer Aniston….
I kid, I kid. But I do like the stuff.

I haven’t had my beastly appetite lately, so in order to get enough protein, I’ve made a few of these babies..

Chocolate protein cupcakes
Combine, mix and microwave for 1 min, 30 seconds
1.5 scoops chocolate (SunWarrior) protein
1 T egg whites
pinch baking powder
stevia, 1 serving
sea salt, teeeny pinch
water, to moisten. <–If your cake is too dry, add more h20!
1 T *almond butter (topping)

*Since I broke up with Mr. Cow, I’ve replaced my cupcake toppings with nut butters or coconut milk yogurt. Deeeeelish.

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I think Seth felt a little bad for me and took charge of dinner tonight and he came up with quite the amazing stir-fry combo!

Chicken, quinoa & veggie stir-fry

Serves 5: Cook 1 c Quinoa  in low-sodium chicken broth and set aside when done. Chop 3 peppers, 1 medium yellow onion, mushrooms, garlic and cook over medium heat until onions start to brown. Next, add diced chicken breast and 3 eggs and cook thoroughly. Finally, mix all ingredients and added Liquid Aminos (or soy sauce), sea salt, and black pepper, to taste. <–So good! Thanks Setho ❤

And sweet potato fries, because they go with anything. Recipe here.

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Do you suffer from food allergies? If so, what’s the hardest thing you’ve had to give up? (Greek yogurt for me!)

Are you a stir-fry person? I’m usually not but I LOVED the version Seth made!