>TGIF and Bedding Giveaway!

>Happy Friday! Have anything fun planned for the weekend? I’m meeting up with some friends tonight for a little vino. I’ve been promising myself an expensive glass of Shiraz if I do well in the productivity department 🙂 Then Sunday is my Half Marathon!

Last night after work, I went for a 4-mile run around the Potomac River, stretched a lot, then Kelsey (sister) and I ordered sushi. Delivery sushi has to be one of the best discoveries I’ve made.

I went with the salmon-avocado roll

Seaweed salad

And split some steamed veggie dumplings

This morning I woke with an excruciating migraine. Sadly I had to postpone a coffee date with Alex (we’re going this weekend instead). I rested for a while, took ibuprofen, then went to a BodyPump class to shake the pain. Although all I want to do is lay in bed when a migraine hits, exercise 95% of the time makes me feel better. I attribute it to the increased oxygen to the brain!
Feeling much better, I made coffee and a protein smoothie to enjoy on the deck in the (California-like) beautiful weather:
Today’s coffee a la Keurig was Caribou + warmed almond milk:
Raspberry-Chocolate Green Smoothie:

Scoop chocolate protein powder (SunWarrior is my fav)
1/3 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 frozen banana
Fresh spinach (hand full)
stevia (to taste)
Pinch sea salt (to bring out sweetness)
1/2 tsp xanthan gum (t0 thicken; optional)
1/2 tsp maca powder (optional; source of vitamin C, also for energy)
1 tsp PB (to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)

I absolutely love our deck. It spans the width of our apartment and looks up to a canopy of trees providing some shade but also let’s in the perfect amount of sunshine.

The pup also enjoys it…

Watching the neighbors’ dogs

Happily chewing on a leaf

I really believe mornings that start out right set the pace for a productive and enjoyable day. For me this includes, waking up early to exercise and enjoying a healthy/substantial breakfast either on the deck or reading the news.
Do you agree?? How do you start your day?
Well I’m off to grocery shop, run some errands, and do a little bit of reading before meeting up with friends. Have a great weekend!
*To those that asked about PB Flour, read here 🙂
It’s GIVEAWAY time!!!!!!

Do you want to update your bedroom decor?? Looking for new bedding? The lovely people at allmodern.com have offered an amazing modern bedding giveaway to my readers! All you must do is:

1) Visit the site and tell me what you would do with a $35 gift certificate
2) Link this post to your next blog post and leave me comment and link to your site (if you don’t have a blog just leave me a comment saying so)
3) Add me to your Blogroll, leave me a comment letting me know you did

Enter as many ways as you like and it will increase your chances of winning!

Good luck!!!! I’ll announce the winner Tuesday evening!

>Sushi, shopping woes, and Marathon 2010!


How are yaa? I’m doing swellll. My legs are starting to feel more like legs (and less like bricks) after Sunday’s 15-mile run. I’m hoping to get in one more 7-mi training run before heading to Quebec on Wednesday for a wedding!

Usually I have my outfit picked out weeeeks before but this time shopping kinda slipped ma mind. Last night Kels (sistah) and I had sushi then hit up the mall to find a dress. The shopping (but not sushi) was completely unsuccessful. At least we had a good meal, right??

I had miso soup:


Salmon sashimi:

And split this aaaaaa-mazing “Cherry Blossom Roll” with Kels:
^Salmon, yellow tail, tuna, avocado, seaweed salad a cherry on top!

Side note: If you are planning to visit DC in the near future, come during the Cherry Blossoms! It’s absolutely gorgeous!
So back to shopping, we didn’t have much time so I just checked the two closest stores, Nordstroms and Macy’s. I found nadda! I’m not a frequent Macy’s shopper but I figured they might have some dresses. Baah, was I dead wrong.
Soooo, that leaves tonight to find a dress before we leave on Wednesday. Where should I look??? I’m thinking BCBG, J Crew, and Anthropologie. Any other suggestions????
This morning I woke up late (9am, whoops) and cured my rumbling stomach with a bowl of this heaven:
^1/3 cup oats, 3 tbsp egg whites, 1 tbsp cinnamon, agave, raisins, dash sea salt, blob Cinnamon Swirl PB

Again, this stuff is AHH-MAZING:

Buy. some. immediately.

A few hours later I was staaaaavin again, so I whipped up a Green Monster:

^1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1/2 cup FF Greek yogurt, nanner, 1/2 cup frozen spinach, 1/4 cup mixed berries, 1 tsp flax oil, H20, stevia.

Alright, back to scienceland. Have a great day!

QUESTIONS: Where should I buy a dress??? Are you planning to run a marathon someday?




>Manfriend and giveaway winner!

>Hey hey hey,

How was your day??? Today was snow day #4 in the District! I was a little less stir crazy for several reasons: 1) Ventured to the gym with Kels (sistah) and saw this little igloo/tunnel on the way. I love seeing little kiddies playing in the snow! So cute!

2) I ran 5.1 miles at a 7:47 (!) pace at 1.0% incline. I haven’t done that since college!!! I snapped this pic because I think it sums me up. The more stress in my life = more I need/crave running:

3) Had a delish lunch at Whole Foods with Kels:

^We split a salmon/avacado roll (multi-grain rice) and salmon sashimi

4) Made a delish dinner with the roomie:

^(R) Mixed greens/spinach, dried cranberries, flax seeds, raw pine nuts, organic balsamic vinagrette. (L) Polenta cooked with EVOO, garlic, spinach, sea salt and pepper (roomie’s creation)

(Don’t know why this picture is so small??????)

Organic diced chicken breast, organic maranara sauce, eggplant, asparagus, spinach, peas, mushrooms, fresh garlic, oregano, basil, dash sea salt (also melted some part skim organic mozerella; not pictured)

^Trader joe’s brand gluten-free brownies (for the gluten-intolerant roomie), with melted dark chocolate and PB swirl. We topped this with organic vanilla soy fro-yo (roomie creation).

So you ask, why such an extravagant meal????

1) It’s Real Housewives’ night, duh.

2) I’m announcing the winner of my first GIVEAWAY (!)

3) I’m jet-setting tomorrow to run a Half Marathon on Saturday

4) The (unshaved, haha love you seth) MANFRIEND moved in today!!!!!!!!! I am the happiest girl alive!!!!!

I also wanted to thank everyone for entering my Giveaway, I really hope you continue to read my blog. I’ve had a fantastic time in the bloggerzzz world thanks to you all!

Aaaaand the winner is LINDSEY from Life, Love, and Lindsey! Linds, e-mail me your address at Biochemista@gmail.com and I’ll send out your package next week. Congrats!!!

I’ll be back after the half marathon (!) on Monday. Whooooop! Wish me luck!!!



>Suuushi on ma mind

>Hey Hey,

Happy Wednesday! I’m particularly excited it’s hump day today because the roomies and I are going out for sushi/drinks after lab/work today! We’re going to one of my favorite Sushi restaurants – great (and cheap) sushi and 1/2 price ALL cocktails for happy hour! If you live in DC you must try the mango mojito, it’s out of this world. I’m one of those people that always look at menus ahead of time in anticipation. Do you do this too??? But this time I’m gonna refrain as I get the same exact thing every time. I can’t help it! It’ll be salmon/avocado roll, few pieces of salmon sashimi, edaname, and miso soup…mmmm 🙂

Well this morning was quite interesting. I went to the gym for a quick 3-miler and some arms, showered, then realized I packed two mismatched shoes for lab! To top it off, I packed skinny jeans so my fugly white running shoes stood out even more:

Ordinarily I’d suck it up and strut them at lab (eh, I have no one to impress in my lab other than the leukemia cells I’m playing with today) buuuut since it’s sushi night I decided the $10 cab ride back home to grab my shoes was justified.

Speaking of cab $$, check out the atm I used this morning:


Okey doke, back to ma cells. Have a good dayyy!
