

How was your V-day weekend??! Mine was GREAT. The manfriend and I met my parents in Myrtle Beach, SC to run a half marathon and squeeze in some beach time. It was a bittersweet debauchery of a weekend for several reasons:

1) Our train to the airport (and all trains that day) was cancelled
2) Our flight was cancelled (and all fights to SC that day)
3) Our half marathon was cancelled because of “snow”

Seriously, wtf???

Sooo not to let this ruin our weekend we:

1) Took a roadtrip to SC instead
2) Ran our own half marathon on the beach

The roadtrip was actually a lot of fun. Seth and I are such goofballs and the time flew by (at least for me! ha). Aaaaand I always love roadtrip snacking 😉

7-Eleven Coffee. I love it. All of the flavors. Don’t judge.

Fruit plate (also from 7-11). Seriously freakin amazing:

^Watermelon, mango, pineapple

And check out the price!

Valentine chocolates:

Subway salad:

^Note to those lacto-intolerant: Kraft Italian dressing has Parmesan cheese (!) Ruined that one for me (I’m allergic)

MickyD’s apple dippers:

Oh, and I snapped this picture of a gigantic cigarette. I can’t believe how many Billboards, advertisements, etc. we saw promoting smoking!!! So sad!

After arriving, Seth and I went out to dinner for a carb-loaded pasta feast (I had seafood fra diablo, amazing!) with my adorable parents:

Then shortly after finishing dinner we found out the race was cancelled to due “snow”. Essentially, SC got 1.5 inches overnight and although it melted in time for the marathon, the city was scared it would be dangerous to have runners and cars on the road together. Ahhhh, you Southerners are crazy 😉

So, what did we do instead? Had a post-dinner drink (since we weren’t waking up at 5:30am):

^This stuff tastes like strawberry milk. Nuts.

Slept in until 11am, ate breakfast, and ran 13.1 miles on the beach!

Mama dukes and pops just before the run:

Me trying to look tough. Mental preparation, y’all. ha.

The manfriend was so sweet! He ran 6 miles with me in the only extra pair of shoes that would fit him: My dad’s friend’s 80’s-style Wal-mart working kicks. Love you Seth!

And I obviously snapped some pics along the way (because you know I love pics on the run!)

The dangerous snow 😉

13.1 miles of this. Aaaah, I miss it already:

After the run I made everyone a post-race snack (carbs, protein for recovery):

^FF strawberry greek yogurt, 1/2 banana, PB

Later that night the manfriend and I made dinner for the parentals, parental’s friends, and my aunt/uncle. We made sweet potato chili, quinoa, and skinny margaritas (of course).

Madre and I after (a couple) margaritas:

Despite all of the chaos and cancellation it was a great weekend!
How was your weekend??! Fill me in! I feel like I’ve been away for ages



For all the Single Ladies, does Valentine’s day annoy you??? Or do you plan single gals’ nights/bar crawls like I used to????

For the “taken ladies”, what do you miss most about being single?? I promise I won’t spill your secrets 😉