>Late night fun

>Hope everyone had a wonderful & relaxing weekend. Mine was filled with holiday parties, some fun workouts, and a little bit of work.

For breakfast the last couple of days I brought back Protein Pancakes:

These are so quick and easy!

1 1/2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 banana
1/4 cup blueberries
stevia (1 serving)
1/4 t cinnamon
dash nutmeg
pinch sea salt
H20 to moisten (<1/8 cup)


The Manfriend and I have recently been going on late night runs and I’m really enjoying it. I love running with him. He’s faster than me so I really push myself and it’s a nice way to bond and chat especially when we haven’t seen each other all day.

Mid-run sweatiness.

Recognize these stairs??? (My legs felt like blocks after running these)

After a freezing cold refreshing run, we invited some friends over for an impromptu wine & dinner party. I was even able to make it into bed before 11 to get some zzzz’s for my 6am wake-up call for work. Success!


After working for 12 hours the next day (Saturday) and eating an early lunch, I nearly passed out from hunger by the time my shift was over. OK, a bit dramatic but I was craving this place…

Whole Foods Salad bar!
Turkey, chicken, egg whites, spinach, cilantro, veggies, black beans, chickpeas and wasabi peas, & balsamic vinegar.
Heaven, I tell ya.

After dinner I came home to the tail end of a holiday party hosted by my sister. Just in time for the dessert 🙂

Have a great week everyone!

What are you most looking forward to this holiday season??