>My therapy


How’s your weekend going?? DC is snowed in today! So that means I’ve been able watch the What Not To Wear marathon- guilt free! Note: I love the term Cost Per Wear (aka CPW), brilliant!

The bad news….I still don’t have my computer back (booo) so I’m on the roomie’s for the next couple of days…Thanks again Jess! 😉

So in the last week or so I’ve been thinking a lot about new things I can find/do to relax. Usually, I always look to running. However, it wasn’t until I tore a muscle running a marathon a few years ago that I learned firsthand how dangerous it can be to only have one stress outlet, because if it’s takeaway what do you turn to???

Right now I’m (knock on wood) injury-free so the running thing is working, but I am still working on incorporating new ideas into my life. When I moved to this apartment I decided to decorate my room in soothing/peaceful colors and items. I have a few particular items that I turn to in times of distress:

Favorite teen classics:

Favorite childhood movie. Also, random fact: anyone who really knows me, I was a whale/dolphin in another lifetime. I am completely fascinated by them.

Therapeutic aromas (my favorites are jasmine and eucalyptus.):

Pictures of really important people in my life that I don’t see everyday:

And the image I wake up to every morning:

^^To me it says, today is a new day and a new chance to follow your dreams. Cheeseball maybe but it works for me 🙂

What do you do???
Have you ever turned to something but couldn’t depend on it (i.e. me not being able to run)? If so, what did you do???

Have a great rest of your weekend!