>Rainy day

>Hi everyone,

I hope your week is off to a great start. Last night after my 13 mile run and amazing magic soup, I spent the evening reading in bed instead of TV. I figured I’d put the DVR to use and enjoyed the alone time 🙂  Are you reading any good books?

Oh, and I did step out for some FroYo:

Tart frozen yogurt topped with fresh strawberries and bananas ❤

Well today is the first rainy day here in The District in a while – and I’m very much enjoying it. This morning I woke to a delicious bowl of oatmeal. Why haven’t I tried this simple combo before???

1/3 cup oats, 1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior, 1 T almond butter, 1T organic maple syrup

And the perfect cup of coffee with frothed almond milk

Then not wanting to do much else than play in the kitchen, I decided to play my luck and create some oatmeal raisin protein cookies. Because clearly, everything is better with SunWarrior.

Topped with Peanut Butter and cinnamon. 

Recipe coming soon! 
Normally I wouldn’t run the day after a long run but I’m just itching to get outside and run in the rain! I’m planning on a short (3-4 miler) at a slower than normal pace just to be safe.

….Sometimes ya just gotta run! 
Have a great rest of your day!