>Dusty deliciousness

>Happy Wednesday. Today is day #3 of my 3-11:30pm shifts at the hospital. Thursday I’m off – and man am I looking forward do it!

Yesterday I woke refreshed at 7am and started my day. Who am I kidding? I peeled myself out of bed at 10:30, make a quick Berry Berry protein smoothie, then headed out for a run before work. This time, I did actually dress appropriately. Recently, I’ve been making it a point to run a few sets of stairs and do push-ups (I’m up to about 25 real ones) mid-run.

Yesterday it was the steps in front of the Lincoln Monument:

Do you ever stop mid-run to do crunches, push ups, yoga, etc? It’s a nice way to break up the run and get in some muscle-toning action.

When I returned, I refueled with a gigantic protein-packed salad monster.

Spinach, deli turkey (all natural version. Many kinds have gross fillers and preservatives), low-fat cottage cheese, garbanzo beans, cherry tomatoes, red grapes, Laughing Cow cheese wedge (light swiss version), sea salt, pepper, and a 1:1 mixture of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar.

Goddess + Balsamic = salad dressing heaven

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Work was insanely busy, as usual. I snacked on a new protein bar. Ever try these?

20g protein. Kept me full til dinnah-time. Thanks to those of you that Tweeted some other all natural versions to try.

Next up:
– Zing Bars
– Perfect Foods Bars
– Clif Builder bars
– Kind Bars

Am I missing any good ones?

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Last night I broke out this box that had been collecting dust in my pantry

I added cooked shrimp, peanut butter, and honey and they were pretty darn good.

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Okkkkk, I’m going to get off my butt now after RHNJ is over, head to the gym, then to work. Weeeeeeeee! <—-sarcasm

Have you recently dusted off anything in your pantry to be pleasantly surprised by it’s deliciousness? Or grossness?