
>Last weekend I travelled home to New Hampshire to celebrate my future sister-in-law’s graduation from UNH Nursing School! I am beyond proud of her for a couple of reasons..

1) She graduated with honors
2) UNH nursing program is very hard to get accepted into
3) She has a great job lined up

and most importantly….

4) She did it all while raising my beautiful niece. For those of you that don’t know, I have a 5-year-old sunshine in my life, Morgan Therese. My bother and his fiance got pregnant very young (17 and 18) and stayed together, went to college, and now that Morgan is 5, they are engaged! They are fantastic parents and I couldn’t be more proud of my future sister-in-law! At her celebration lunch, it was so cute to hear Morgan walk around to random people saying “My mommy is so smart she is now a nurse and going to take care of sick people”. Adorable!!!

The weekend was amazing and this little man also flew home for the celebration…

I didn’t take too many pictures, sorry. Somehow only pics of salads and tequila seemed worthy.
Summer mix salad with grilled chicken from the Silver Diner (Baltimore airport). 
If you ever end up at that airport, eat there!!!! Most foods are all-natural and all of their meat is antibiotic-free.
And a Whole Foods salad beast…

Oh, our flight was delayed 1.5 hours. Therefore,  [a couple of] Skinny Margaritas were in order!
Patron silver, tiiiiny splash of triple sec, juice from 3-4 lime wedges, and a teeny tiny splash of OJ

How did you spend your weekend?

Do you have a certain family member that you are exceptionally proud of?