>Day date

>I had the day off today and planned to spend it as a couch monkey (termed coined recently by Seth) but the blossoms were bloomin and it was too nice to sit inside!

So I got off my butt and took a few pics for y’allll. That’s right, it’s all for you.

The Manfriend (who is feeling a lot better) and I made our way through Georgetown and along the canal…

And landed at our favorite coffee shop, Baked N’ Wired.

Take that, Georgetown Cupcake

Lil caffeine buzz and we were off to the Blossoms!

4 miles of walking and 10,000 pictures later, we were starved! We hit up JuiceZone for juice (clearly) and wraps.

Beet, green apple, carrot, spinach, ginger

Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, olives, grilled tofu, spinach wrap and side of balsamic vinegar.

* * *


Are you a couch monkey on days off?

Have you ever been to the DC Cherry Blossom festival? 

I just bought a juicer! What’s your favorite juice combo? 

>Simple n’ sweet


Are you listening? (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
Sing it back. (Ah,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
So tell me what do I need (tell me what do I need, uh oh, uh oh)
When words lose their meaning (When words lose their meaning)
I was spinning free (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
with a little sweet and simple numbing me
Yeah, stumble til you crawl (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
Sinking into sweet uncertainty
(Jimmy Eat World, Sweetness)
The song reminded me of the title. That is all.
* * *
Look what’s in bloom over our back deck!!

Sun may not be out much, but they’re still perdy!

Oh, haaaay! I need a haircut. Mmmm, k?
(FYI Washingtonians, peak bloom is Tues – Sat. Get out there!)

This morning I enjoyed a simple and sweet breakfast
(Oats, chia seeds, banana, blueberries, tsp almond butter, tsp honey)

But c’mon, wouldn’t you rather hear about a simple-r and sweet-er skinny margarita I recently made?  It’s almost summer, y’alllll! Tons of calories and sugar and no excuse to give up the occasional Rita….Just make a skinny version. Duh!

Skinny (all-natural) Strawberry Margarita (on the rocks)
1-2 oz clear tequila (1-2 shots)
~0.5 oz triple sec (1/4 shot). I prefer this all-natural brand
3-4 frozen strawberries, thawed in microwave til soft
juice from 1/4 lime
stevia to taste (I like 1/2 – 1 serving)

Combine ingredients & shake, shake, shake!

Or you can use strawberries and mangoes and add a little extra fruit..
(Raspberry + pineapple is also pretty fantastic)

 * * *

In less fun news, the Manfriend is sickkk. He had a little ER trip after the race (infected wound) and ended up with a fever, and a lot of wound draining. Delicious, right? Glad I told you this between food pictures? Makes you want to eat my recipes even more I bet, ha!

I’ve been a good little nurse girlfriend and making him vitamin-packed smoothies on call

vanilla protein powder (Sunwarrior brand)
1/2 banana
fresh spinach
coconut water (electrolytes!)
splash orange juice
tsp spirulina
almond butta (promotes absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
And the usual [cutsie] vitamins..
(Clearly I bought these babies. And I’m 5 years old)
Oh, and one more thing…
I made [Protein] BALLS!
1) I was inspired by Gina’s amazeballs
2) I’m sick of spending $3 per store-bough protein bar 
3) I need a quick high protein/healthy carb snack between lunch and dinner when I’m at werkk
Blueberry Vanilla Protein Ballz:
1/2 cup oats
2 scoops vanilla protein powder (or 4 SunWarrior baby scoops)
2 T nut butter of choice (I used PB)
1/4 cup thawed and mashed blueberries
1 T chia seeds
stevia, 2 servings
sea salt, 2 pinches
water to moisten (approx. 1/3 cup)

Combine and roll into approx. 5 balls, adjusting water amount as necessary. Chill in fridge overnight (or at least 1 hr)

*Note: The pictures above were taken before chilling in fridge overnight. They should be intact and slightly wet/slimy looking. The oats/seeds will soak up remaining liquid and balls will harden (twss) to protein-bar thickness. 
* * *
Are you a margarita lover like me?
If not, what the heck is wrong with you? jk 😉
What’s your favorite summa-time drink?

>That’s a huuuuuge…TREE!


Season’s greetings from Washington!

White House Christmas tree

After a relaxing day off (aka sleeping ’til noon, watching more episodes of 90210 than I care to admit), I hit the pavement for a freeeezing refreshing 4.5 mile run around the White House! I know I say this all the time, but DC is such a beautiful city!

Getting ready for battle (sans make-up, be kind)

During the last mile I could already feel hunger pains setting in. Convenient considering we are in desperate need of a grocery trip. I whipped together a quick Indian dish with foods we usually always have on hand. And ya know what? It was pretty darn good!

Trader Joe’s Punjab Eggplant w/ green beans, corn, kidney beans, red peppers, and scrambled egg whites (only protein we had, haha)

The night was spent watching The Santa Claus 1 AND 2! And a nice big glass of red vino 🙂

And got into the holiday spirit with some new holiday red nails 🙂


This morning I met Chase bright and early to take her BodyPump class. Girl is a great teacher! So enthusiastic and really motivating. Chase, I’ll happily take your class any time…wink wink, haha. After a heart and muscle-pumpin’ class we chatted over coffee and breakfast. A great start to my day! Thanks again girl ❤


And then it was time to [finally] get a Christmas tree!

Kelsey (sister) hugging the perfect one ❤

Oh, and it’s quite massive

 Puts the other tree to SHAME!

Yeah, it’s 1/2 the size of our car…

Can’t wait to decorate!!

Well I’m off to bake some cookies for tomorrow’s Cookie exchange (so excited!) then head to bed early because tomorrow is Jingle All The Way 10K! Can’t wait to see/meet everyone!



>Rejection hurts

>Hey guys,

How are you? Honestly, I’ve been better. What do you do when you’re world is turned upside down?

I run. And I run. And I run. Despite the fact it’s freezing outside.

Cardio + hot shower + comforting foods = a [somewhat] better outlook

Blueberry Protein Pancakes

1 1/2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 mashed banana
1/4 cup blueberries
1 t chia seeds
pinch sea salt
pinch baking powder
H20 to moisten
Pumpkin Oats

1/4 cup oats
1 t chia seeds
1 t flax seeds
1 cup H20
1/3 cup pumpkin
1/2 – 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (added after cooking)
So what’s the deal? If you follow me on Twitter, you may be aware something has me down. On Wednesday, I was rejected from my top choice institution for PA (physician assistant) school. You can read about my major career change here and here.
I do have other options, but sadly my #1 is a no-go. The #1 prerequisite (aside from GPA) is direct patient care experience. To obtain this, I am working as a clinical technician (nursing assistant) on a transplant unit. I do have some experience, but evidently it’s not enough.
So where do I go from here? I need to decide to A) move with the Manfriend to another state soooon to attend another program or B) Wait another year, get the required experience, and reapply.
There are other programs in my area, but I really want to attend a top institution. Maybe it doesn’t matter in the end, but I worked so hard to get accepted into a top PhD program (I was studying at the National Institutes of Health), so something inside me doesn’t want to settle for an institution that’s not 100% right for me.

So what’s next? I’m not sure. But the world does go on, I suppose.

>Calling all DC/VA/MD runners!

>Who is running Jingle all the way 10K in DC this Sunday, Dec 12th? It’s one of my all-time FAVORITE races!

If you haven’t signed up yet and are in the area, do it! And don’t forget to dress in Holiday costume attire! Remember there’s no race-day registration so register online!
Soooo who else is running? A few of us are meeting up during/after the race. Let me know if you’re going to run it!

>Late night fun

>Hope everyone had a wonderful & relaxing weekend. Mine was filled with holiday parties, some fun workouts, and a little bit of work.

For breakfast the last couple of days I brought back Protein Pancakes:

These are so quick and easy!

1 1/2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 banana
1/4 cup blueberries
stevia (1 serving)
1/4 t cinnamon
dash nutmeg
pinch sea salt
H20 to moisten (<1/8 cup)


The Manfriend and I have recently been going on late night runs and I’m really enjoying it. I love running with him. He’s faster than me so I really push myself and it’s a nice way to bond and chat especially when we haven’t seen each other all day.

Mid-run sweatiness.

Recognize these stairs??? (My legs felt like blocks after running these)

After a freezing cold refreshing run, we invited some friends over for an impromptu wine & dinner party. I was even able to make it into bed before 11 to get some zzzz’s for my 6am wake-up call for work. Success!


After working for 12 hours the next day (Saturday) and eating an early lunch, I nearly passed out from hunger by the time my shift was over. OK, a bit dramatic but I was craving this place…

Whole Foods Salad bar!
Turkey, chicken, egg whites, spinach, cilantro, veggies, black beans, chickpeas and wasabi peas, & balsamic vinegar.
Heaven, I tell ya.

After dinner I came home to the tail end of a holiday party hosted by my sister. Just in time for the dessert 🙂

Have a great week everyone!

What are you most looking forward to this holiday season??

>Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful..

>Does anyone know where fall went? I feel like summer was just around the corner and we just skipped over fall and it’s now magically December. Is it me or does time go by faster each year we grow older? Hmph.

It’s only a matter of days until we see this again…
Last winter in Washington, DC
During the winter months I 90% of the time crave hot and comforting foods: think big bowls of oatmeal, soup, stews, etc. 
Almost every day recently I’ve been having a steaming hot bowls of… 
Blueberry Muffin Oats
1/3 cup oats (soaked overnight in 1 cup almond milk)
1/4 cup egg whites
pinch sea salt
1/3 cup blueberries
1/2 scoop vanilla protein (added after microwaving)
As the weather gets colder I typically replace salads, sushi, and other cold foods for those that warm my soul. Since I’ve been working a lot, most lunches have to be thrown together on the
Some canned favorites
 For more protein add diced tofu and/or nutritional yeast 
 Spice ’em up with black pepper, cayenne, cumin, etc. and
ALL-time favorites
Indian fare: Add diced tofu, beans, and frozen veggies
Tomato/Pepper soup: Make magic soup!
Favorite veg burger
  Make veggie burger pizzas or toast them at work and top over toast + marinara 

Roasted veggies on day #2 are even better than day #1.

What are your favorite quick-prep winter meals???


Well I’m off to enjoy the rest of my day off! On today’s agenda:
– BodyPump class
– Run with the Manfriend
– Decorate/clean apartment
– Vino & dinner party
Have a great weekend,

*Something to read: Check out my BFF Alyson’s fun, quirky new blog!

>Sunday randomness: My life in pictures

>Want to know me a little better? Here are some weird/interesting/fun facts about yours truly..

My hair is naturally curly

Seth (aka Manfriend) and I have dated since 8th grade

I went to college at Northeastern University (Boston) before attending Georgetown for grad school

I went skydiving on my 21st birthday. My mom was not too pleased.

The day after Thanksgiving I go bowling with the Manfriend’s family every year. It’s intense. We even have matching shirts.

Attending President Obama’s inauguration was one of the best experiences of my life

 Seth is a great photographer. If you look closely in my eye you can see him taking the pic.

I have a beautiful niece named Morgan

I want to own a husky when I “grow up”

I bruise easily

In June I was the Maid of Honor for my best friend’s Brandy’s wedding in York, Maine

I wore a two-piece teal prom dress my junior year of high school AND tanned until I was orange

I look just like my mama.

Seth recently moved to DC from LA to be with me 🙂

Alyson, my best friend and college roommate also just moved to DC. Pretty soon I’ll recruit you too!

My siblings, cousins, and I attend Countryfest every summer in MA

I am the oldest of three (L to R: Me, Kelsey, Matt)

I am obsessed with the Manfriend’s niece, Portia. Look at those legs!

Running is my passion. Can ya spot me?

When I have a good race/PR I treat myself to a new piece of workout clothing.

We have a puppy named Michael.
Tell me a few facts about you!

Also, don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods Gift Card Giveaway!

>Some devastating news

>Hey guys,

I have some unfortunate news to share. As you all know I’ve been working hard to train for my November 13th marathon in Richmond, VA. I’ve been doing so well and averaging a 7:54 pace during my long runs, a time that would re-qualify me for the Boston Marathon.

Recently however, I tripped while running and rolled my ankle pretty badly and now my hip flexor is KILLING me.

It’s been about a week now and it’s still too painful to run. I didn’t mention anything earlier because I hoped it would magically heal itself, but sadly it doesn’t look that’s happening. So for right now, the marathon is up in the air and I guess I’ll see how I feel within the next two weeks, but it’s not looking good 😦

So in the meantime I’ll be saying bye-bye to my favorite running routes:

And trying to stay in marathon shape by other workouts that don’t hurt my hip such as:


Spinning classes

Solo Spinning classes (via podcast):
And some other DVD favorites:
Any advice on how to quickly heal a hurt hip flexor?

What are your favorite cardio workouts that don’t involve running?