
>Last weekend I travelled home to New Hampshire to celebrate my future sister-in-law’s graduation from UNH Nursing School! I am beyond proud of her for a couple of reasons..

1) She graduated with honors
2) UNH nursing program is very hard to get accepted into
3) She has a great job lined up

and most importantly….

4) She did it all while raising my beautiful niece. For those of you that don’t know, I have a 5-year-old sunshine in my life, Morgan Therese. My bother and his fiance got pregnant very young (17 and 18) and stayed together, went to college, and now that Morgan is 5, they are engaged! They are fantastic parents and I couldn’t be more proud of my future sister-in-law! At her celebration lunch, it was so cute to hear Morgan walk around to random people saying “My mommy is so smart she is now a nurse and going to take care of sick people”. Adorable!!!

The weekend was amazing and this little man also flew home for the celebration…

I didn’t take too many pictures, sorry. Somehow only pics of salads and tequila seemed worthy.
Summer mix salad with grilled chicken from the Silver Diner (Baltimore airport). 
If you ever end up at that airport, eat there!!!! Most foods are all-natural and all of their meat is antibiotic-free.
And a Whole Foods salad beast…

Oh, our flight was delayed 1.5 hours. Therefore,  [a couple of] Skinny Margaritas were in order!
Patron silver, tiiiiny splash of triple sec, juice from 3-4 lime wedges, and a teeny tiny splash of OJ

How did you spend your weekend?

Do you have a certain family member that you are exceptionally proud of?

>Sweet ‘n spicy deliciousness and giveaway winner!

>I am like a kid in a candy store in Whole Foods. I swear I can walk around bright-eyed for hours in that place. This morning I woke in the mood for chocolate! And so I choc-ed it up, protein-cupcake style.

Chocolate – covered Strawberry PC
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use SunWarrior brand, it’s da bestttt)
5 thawed frozen strawberries, mashed
1 T egg whites
1 t chia seeds (optional, good source of omega’s)
pinch baking powder
stevia (1 serving)
h20 to moisten (~2T)

Mix with fork until brownie-like consistency
Spray coffee mug with cooking spray
Microwave ~1 min 30 secs

Top with sweetened low-fat Greek yogurt 
 * * *
Post-digestion, I hit up ‘bucks for the usual “Venti Pike’s Place coffee with 1 inch steamed soy”. Tip: If you think Starbucks is a little too strong for your taste buds, ask for Pike’s Place. It’s their lighter blend. Deeeeeeeeeelish.
Now back to Whole Foods. Not kidding, I think I spent 1.5 hours there. And I didn’t even eat, ha! I did score some major goods however. Some notable mentions..

(click to zooom)
Flax seed meal (ground flax seeds; can’t wait to use in pizza crust)
Almond meal (ground almonds; gonna make homemade protein muffins and cookies)
Coconut butter (heat a little in microwave the drizzle over oatmeal, toast, etc. Great source of healthy fats)
Black Cherry Berry tea (just tried and ahhhmazing)
Nutritional yeast (we all know how much I use this stuff)
Organic Lite Honey Mustard dressing (planning a salmon dish with this one)
Raw bee polin (a prebiotic and a natural sweetener)
Spirulina (probiotic; add to smoothies)
Pesto paste (all organic ingredients. Just add EVOO. And sans parmesan so allergy-friendly)
Maca powder (good source of vitamin C and known for crazy energy boost. Add to smoothies. Love the stuff)
After cleaning the kitchen and re-organizing (stay tuned for a “what’s in my kitchen” post coming soon), I made hands down the best salad I’ve had in a looooong time. Sorry to toot my own horn, but toot toot 😉 First I cut up lot of veggies.. 

Spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots and avocado 
Then added diced Tempeh 
(And garbanzo beans (chickpeas), sunflower seeds, sea salt, and black pepper)
Next I made the dressing. I used my favorite hummus in the whole wide world, Jalapeno and Cilantro (Trader Joe’s). If you don’t have a TJ’s near you, you can add some fresh cilantro to traditional hummus (and a teeeeny bit of diced jalapenos if like a kick).
Sweet n’ Spicy dressing (1-2 servings)
4 T hummus
2 T nutritional yeast
1/2 – 1 t honey
water, to thin out consistency

(Dressing was so good that I forgot to snap a pic until after I inhaled it)
Add dressing and mix.

The spice of the cilantro was perfectly complemented by the honey. The hummus and avocado added nice texture while the sunflower seeds added the perfect amount of crunch. I not kidding when I tell you this is the best salad I’ve had in long time. Get on it 😉
* * *
If you’ve been following my workout schedule, you can see that I’ve clearly been slacking on the weights and yoga – two very important components of running. I blame it on vacation and catching the spring running bug. I took a BodyPump class yesterday and it felt great to be back. Tomorrow I willlll do yoga. Hold me to it 😉 
Have a great night everyone! I’m heading to the gym then it’s a girls night out 🙂 What are your plans???

 * * *

And the winner for the Wildtree.com giveaway package is…

True Random Number Generator  42Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Beth Skendrovic!!! Beth, e-mail me at Biochemista@gmail.com and send me your shipping address 🙂

>I’m a hot mess

>Hey guys, how the heck are ya? The lack of posting this weekend was because I worked the entire thing. Yep, 7am – 7:30pm, Saturday and Sunday. How fun, right? It actually wasn’t all that bad. I had a dinner party on Friday to celebrate my bff’s bday and now I’m parked on my couch happily enjoying my day off. Feet are thanking me 🙂

* * *

This morning I woke looking like a complete disaster. I’m just not one of those girls that rolls out of bed looking pretty…

(More my style)

This morning I literally stepped out of bed and into the car to drive my sister to work. I didn’t care too about my appearance because the car was parked right out front. All was clear until a coffee craving hit. I haaaad to have Starbucks. 
Now, do I go home and change, then go back to Starbucks? Orrr do I strut my disheveled hot-mess-of-a-self and lion hair? 0.22 seconds of debating later, I chose the lion. I kept thinking, if I was a celebrity and photographed I would end up in the back of the magazine under “What Were They Thinking?” or “Stars without makeup: Eeeeeek”!
What kind of gal/guy are you? Do you not leave the house without some prep work? Or do you embrace the train wreck look?
* * *
On another note, I was feeling generous when a nice homeless man asked me for money outside of Starbucks. Having only plastic on me, I purchased him a hot chocolate and spiced cake. I figured not all people like coffee (although I find them freaks, haha) and I wanted a food that he could save for later if he wanted. I walked out of the store and happily gave him the food explaining I didn’t have money on me and what did he do??? He was pissed
Ahhh well, I tried. What’s your approach on giving money? I’ve lived in cities for the last 8 years so being asked for money is almost a daily occurrence. I really don’t like giving money because of the fear it will be spent on alcohol/drugs and generally choose to give food. What do you think? 

* * *

After being put in my place by the homeless man, I made a massive breakfast…

Berry Pecan Protein Pancake
1 scoop vanilla protein (I used SunWarrior brand)
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 mashed banana
1/2 cup frozen berries (raspb, blue, blackberries)
1 t flax seeds
1 T crushed pecans
pinch baking powder
pinch cinnamon, nutmeg
1 T organic maple syrup

* * *

15 mins of digesting later, I hit the road for BodyPump class. The class was great per usual, but the lovely instructor decided to sing along to most of the already lame music. Thaaaaanks! <—sarcasm

On the way home I stopped at health food Heaven to for a ginormous protein-packed salad from Whole Foods. Mmmmm.

Spinach, arugula, steamed brussels/zucchini/summer squash, roasted turkey breast, raw veggies, 1 egg, sunflower seeds, garbanzo beans, topped with a little cayenne and sea salt. So so good!
* * *

Before I go, I wanted to show y’all some nutritional info from a popular brand of deli turkey. Browse the ingredient list if you will…

Barf. Seriously spend the extra $0.40 and buy the all-natural version.
* * *
Are you a hot mess in the morning? Do you own it?

What’s your approach to giving money to the homeless?

>Easy peasy breakfasts and whole foods giveaway winner

>Good morning afternoon. Today is my day off so it’s morning for me 🙂

Lately I have been working a lot, and leaving for work very early (we’re talking 6:30am). I’m a huge advocate for nutritious, filling, and quick breakfasts on-the-go. The most important factor for me is limited cooking time in the morning. Therefore, I spend a few mins prepping them the night before and happily enjoy a scrumptious breakfast early in the morning.

Here are some favorites:

1. Creative Oats

Night before: Combine 1/3 oats, 1/4 egg whites, 3/4 cup almond milk, 1 t chia seeds, 1/2 t flax seeds, stevia, apple pie spice, pinch sea salt. Stir and throw in fridge overnight.

Morning of: Microwave ~2.5 mins, add 1/2 cup protein powder. Drizzle with organic maple syrup.

2. Protein Smoothies

Night before: Combine 1 scoop protein powder, 1 t xanthan gum (optional, to thicken), stevia, maca powder (optional, for energy/high in vitamin C), pinch sea salt

Morning of: Add frozen fruit, ice, almond milk & blend

For more smoothie recipes, click here!

3. Protein Cupcakes

Night before, combine and mix: 1 scoop protein powder, 1 T egg whites, 1/4 t baking powder, stevia, dash sea salt (optional: nuts, 1/2 banana). Spray mug with cooking spray and spoon in mixture. Store in fridge over night. Frosting: 1/4 cup Green yogurt, 1 T peanut flour, stevia.

Morning of: Microwave ~1min, 30 seconds & frost cupcake.

4. Breakfast cookies (source)

Night before, mix: 1/3 cup oats, 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder, 1/8 cup almond milk, 1 T PB/almond butter, cinnamon, raisins, stevia, dash sea salt. Spoon onto small plate.
Morning: Eat!
*I’ve said it before, but I highly recommend you trying out SunWarrior protein. It’s all-natural, raw, gluten-free and has some pretty amazing nutrition stats. It’s the best for baking and amazing in smoothies. It costs about $46 for 47 servings (less than $1 per scoop)!


And now for the $30 Whole Foods Gift Certificate winner announcement!
By random number generator the winner is Lisa from 110 Pounds and Counting! Lisa, send me your mailing address (to Biochemista@gmail.com) and I’ll mail your gift certificate!
Question: What’s your favorite breakfast on the run??

>Sunday randomness: My life in pictures

>Want to know me a little better? Here are some weird/interesting/fun facts about yours truly..

My hair is naturally curly

Seth (aka Manfriend) and I have dated since 8th grade

I went to college at Northeastern University (Boston) before attending Georgetown for grad school

I went skydiving on my 21st birthday. My mom was not too pleased.

The day after Thanksgiving I go bowling with the Manfriend’s family every year. It’s intense. We even have matching shirts.

Attending President Obama’s inauguration was one of the best experiences of my life

 Seth is a great photographer. If you look closely in my eye you can see him taking the pic.

I have a beautiful niece named Morgan

I want to own a husky when I “grow up”

I bruise easily

In June I was the Maid of Honor for my best friend’s Brandy’s wedding in York, Maine

I wore a two-piece teal prom dress my junior year of high school AND tanned until I was orange

I look just like my mama.

Seth recently moved to DC from LA to be with me 🙂

Alyson, my best friend and college roommate also just moved to DC. Pretty soon I’ll recruit you too!

My siblings, cousins, and I attend Countryfest every summer in MA

I am the oldest of three (L to R: Me, Kelsey, Matt)

I am obsessed with the Manfriend’s niece, Portia. Look at those legs!

Running is my passion. Can ya spot me?

When I have a good race/PR I treat myself to a new piece of workout clothing.

We have a puppy named Michael.
Tell me a few facts about you!

Also, don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods Gift Card Giveaway!

>[Healthified] Mexican & margaritas…. and a klutz.

>Happy Saturday! Did you check out my Whole Foods Giveaway??! Well I’m off until from work until Tuesday and it feels good. I’ve been working so much lately that this nice little break is definitely welcomed with open arms. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but being on your feet for 12+ hours per shift is tiring!

Yesterday was also a lovely day off. I woke to a hearty bowl of Blueberry Muffin Oats, caffeinated then headed to the gym for a solo spinning sesh. Not feeling cardio-happy, I opted for a BodyPump-inspired total body weights sesh. I’ve been neglecting the weights lately so it felt good to squeeze it in.
For lunch I made an oldie (for some) but a goodie. Faux Mac N Cheese, or savory oats as it’s called.
1/2 cup cooked oats
1 light Laughing Cow cheese wedge
1/4 cup frozen spinach, warmed
3 T nutritional yeast (to read health benefits click here)
1/2 cup egg whites (cooked separately on stove top)
pinch sea salt, black pepper
Combine + stir well
Optional: Drizzle with hot sauce
Great comfort food AND it’s healthy!

Later in the day the Manfriend surprised me with a picnic-ish date to watch the sunset sun go down over the river.

He packed vino (Petite Syrah, my favorite)

His and Hers chocolate (dark for me)

And we sipped, chatted, laughed until the sun set

All was perfect until I spilled my perfect glass of wine

It was still a perfect date ❤ 

After wine & chocolate we headed to my friend Alyson’s apartment for a Mexican and margarita dinner party. I made a healthy (yogurt based) chipotle dip and the (skinny/all natural) margaritas. Although there were already several people over before we arrived Alyson waited for me to make the drinks. How nice! haha

Silver tequila, tiny splash triple sec, fresh lime juice, tiiiny splash OJ, agave.

Somehow I ended up cooking the majority of the meal as well! It didn’t bother me though, I love dinner parties!

I cooked the meat and sauteed veggies.

Organic lean ground turkey

Organic chicken breasts

Meat seasoning:
EVOO (2 T)
Salsa (1/4 cup)
Chili powder (2 T)
Cumin (1/2 t)
sea salt/pepper
squeeze lime juice

My plate! Chicken, turkey, tomatoes, guac, Spanish rice, veggies, & dressing

It was a great night 🙂

Have a great day! Don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods Gift Certificate Giveaway

>Help me help you [eat]

>I woke craving a huge thick bowl of oats – aaagain. Guess I’m on quite the oatmeal kick. I blame it on the weather.

This morning I imagined the flavor of a blueberry muffin. Behold the thickest most creamy oats I ever did have:

Night before, combine:
1/3 cup oats
3 T egg whites
Stevia (2 servings)
1/4 t apple pie spice
dash sea salt (to bring out sweetness)
Next morning:
Microwave ~3 mins or until oats rise/boil
Add 1/4 cup fresh blueberries, 1 thawed banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt

*Tip: Peel bananas then freeze them in freezer bags or Tupperware. They’ll last for months!

The blueberry oats paired nicely with this goblet

Coffee (a la Keurig) + organic soy milk


1) Are you in the market for a Whole Foods gift card? ($30 value)
2) Great, cause I’m in the market for a new blog name!

This is where I need your creative help. I love Biochemista.com but want a name that reflects more than just my career. Please help me think of a new one! It can incorporate Biochemista into the new name but doesn’t have to. If you can’t think of a name just link the giveaway in your next blog/twitter/facebook post (leave a comment to tell me you did) and that will count as an entry.

Some words/phrases/ideas to consider:
well being
Washington, DC

Each suggestion counts for a separate entry so keep the names coming! I will close the giveaway on Tuesday, November 16th!

Good luck and thank you!!!



It’s fiiiiinally a little but cooler here in the District. It’s nice but not sure how long it’ll last…What’s up in your neck of the woods???
The last few days have been consumed by thesis work. To keep myself from going mentally insane, I’ve stepped up the workouts and made some pretty tasty meals. Exercise and cooking really help me in stressful situations. What’s your vice??

From the Kitchen a la Lauren: PROTEIN PANCAKES:
Recipe here
Healthified MINI OREO CHEESECAKES (modified recipe from Julie):
Directions: In a food processor, combine:
– 1 stick fat-free cheese
– 3 heaping scoops of fat-free cottage cheese (~1/2 cup)
– 4 all-natural “Oreos” (I found them at Whole Foods)
– 4 servings/packets stevia (add more for desired sweetness)

Next: Mix in 2-3 crumbled oreos
Serve: Spray muffin pan with non-stick spray, and place an oreo in each. Next, scoop 1 heaping tbsp of mixture on top of each cookie. Garnish with more crumbled cookie. Chill in fridge overnight.

These. are. amazing. Thank you, Julie!
FRUIT the size of my face:

– Preheat oven to 450F
– Mix 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp Wasabi drizzling sauce
I use this one from Trader Joe’s:

– Cook for 15-20 mins or until roasted. Mix 1/2 throughout cooking
Veggies were served with Trader Joe’s (fresh) SOUTHWESTERN SALMON:
(A personal salmon favorite)
– Cooked stove top over medium heat. Perfection.


Tuna, chickpeas, yellow onion, cherry tomatoes, kosher pickles, dill, sea salt, pepper, Greek Yogurt. Tip: Moisten tuna with pickle juice to reduce calories and add flavor


Recipe here

1/4 cup oats, 3/4 cup FF Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup coconut Kefir, 1/4 cup Light Coconut milk, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, stevia, dash sea salt

WORKOUTS have also been pretty stellar:
Thursday: Sports Conditioning class + 3 sets (of 10) clean & press + 15 min core work
Friday: 6 mile run + stretching
Saturday: BodyPump class + 30 min run
Ok, I’m starved. Gonna make lunch, volunteer, then head to friend’s Traditional Indian Baby Shower!! So excited 🙂
Question: Remember this book??

I am going back to buy it. For me, it’s a book that instantly brings me back to childhood.

>My brain hurts


You know those mornings when you wake after a full 8-9 hours of sleep feeling utterly exhausted? That was yesterday. But alas, I dragged myself out of bed. Correction: My growling stomach dragged me out of bed.

Breakfast was Raspberry Vanilla Overnight Oats. And they were scrumptious:

1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Vanilla protein (I use SunWarrior)
1/2 mashed frozen banana
splash almond milk
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
dash stevia

Picture does no justice. I swear it was delicious.

Oh, and a couple of these..

Caribou Coffee a la Keurig + unsweetened organic soy

[Insert 2.5 hours of Thesis-ing]

Feeling like my brain was going to explode, I threw on my gym clothes, grabbed my ipod, and jogged to the gym (1 mile away) for a BodyPump class. I freakin’ love that class. Love to feel STRONG!

Starvin’ and craving PROTEIN, I whipped up some grilled chicken patties. Orrrrr, I toasted some Morningstar ChiK’n Grillers. The latter is more likely 😉

2 Morningstar patties, toasted bagel thin, Laughing Cow Light Swiss. lettuce, tomato, side of veggies and Trader Joe’s Jalapeno and Cilantro hummus.

And sipped some Kombucha:

(check out the cutie in the corner)

Patties were kind of blah. They went for a ketchup bath.

[Insert 3 hours of Thesis work]

Again feeling like my brain was going to explode, I decided to TurboFire it up!

Did the trick! Love the Fiyaaaah.

For dinner I made turkey meatloaf and sweet potato chips


ground lean turkey
3/4 cup oats
1 chopped medium yellow onion
1/2 cup ketchup
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
bake for 45 mins at 425F

(Original recipe here)

Sweet Potato fries:

 3 medium sized sweet potatoes, peeled and finely sliced 
Sprayed with EVOO and seasoned with sea salt and pepper
Baked at 425F for (roughly) 30 mins, flipping fries once during cooking
Last night Kels (sister), the Manfriend, and I watched The Disappearance of Alice Creed. I enjoyed.
This morning I woke ravishing and made a Mango-Coconut Green Monster Smoothie:

1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior, 1/2 cup frozen mangoes, 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 tbsp red. fat organic dried coconut, ice H20, stevia, 1/2 tsp xanthan gum (for thickkkness)
OK, I’m off to a doctor’s appt (just regular check-up) then:
– Thesis, thesis, thesis!
– workout
– Target (?)
– Thesissss
Sounds exhilarating, eh? 😉
Have a great day!

>R&R &R &R….

>Yes, that is my life these days. Since leaving my PhD program, I’ve been working on my M.S. thesis, applying to nursing jobs, volunteering, cooking (!), and reeeeelaxing.

Yep, I’m in Myrtle Beach.


Kels (sister), Madre, and me

In addition to the beautiful weather, and WARM ocean water (seriously I can’t get over how warm it is), the eats haven’t been to shabby.

There’s been the Lauren-ish ones..
Whole Foods’ Salad MONSTERRR (everything and yo mother in there):

Toasted Bagel Thin w/ organic turkey, laughing cow cheese, pepper:

French toast (whole grain toast, eggs, cinnamon, maca, mesquite, stevia, organic maple syrup):

Toasted bagel thin, scrambled egg whites, laughing cow cheese, s/p:

And the not-so-typical but incredibly delicious VACATION FOOOOD
Tart FroYo with strawberries and bananas:

Grilled scallops:

Pineapple Mixer(s): Vodka (or rum), soda water, pineapple:

Steamed clams:

Tuna Tar Tar:

Considering all of the R&R and amazing food, I’ve been trying to get some exercise. I planned on an early morning run today but after snoozing until 10am, I decided to TurboJam it up to avoid fainting in the heat:

Tomorrow I’m gonna try my bestest to wake early and get out for an early morning run…

(Here are pics from my last Myrtle Beach beach run in January)

Whelp, time to get some FroYo and throw in a movie. Ahhh, life is good 🙂

PS…Check out this AMAZING PICTURE I took on my Blackberry tonight during dinner..